For parents whose children have gone through the process...

<p>Hey guys. I was pointed in your direction by poi. I had a question that couldn't be answered:</p>



<p>I was told that the "Additional comments" section provided by the Common App was the space for something along the lines of a rec letter. I'm so confused right now.</p>

<p>While I'm here, I've also got another question :P</p>

<p>The other day I got my HS transcripts from my guidance office. They were in envelopes with my name printed in the center and my high school's address in the return address space. I'm assuming that my school assumed I was filling out a paper application, and I would be including my transcripts in the envelope in which I would send everything in. I'm actually using an online app, should I go about sending them in? Would putting the envelope inside another envelope be alright? And if so, should I put my HS's return address on the envelope?</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated! :)</p>

<p>Put the envelope inside another envelope. Do not open or break the seal on the transcript envelope. The colleges need an official transcript which means it has to be in the original sealed envelope. Use your return address on the outer envelope.</p>

<p>Teacher evaluation is the teacher rec form. No extra letter needed. Teachers fill out the short answers having to do how they know you, they check the rating boxes, and then there is a large space for “Evaluation.” This is where the teacher can upload the body of a rec letter.</p>

<p>Additional comments on the common app is not the place for an additional letter of rec. It’s a spot to explain something in a little more detail than allowed in the common app. Some kids upload an activities resume that explains better what their ECs are about. Some may put in info that doesn’t have a place in the common app. </p>

<p>No need to get any recs other than the required teacher recs.</p>

<p>ebeeeee handled the transcript question.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Yeah, I thought that would be the best way to handle the envelope situation. And as for the rec, it’s a good thing I posted then. I originally was going to have the teacher write a letter AND do one of those forms. Thank god.</p>

<p>Thank you both :)</p>