<p>Haha, my post clashes with the title of the thread.</p>
<p>Name: Suman
Location: Jersey baby!
Fav School Subj: Who likes school subjects? but if I had to choose I'd choose ap calc over others, idk.
Color: black, dark blue, dark green, orange
Dessert: mint choc chip ice cream with whip cream with chocolate and rainbow sprinkles with a cherry on top. lol.
Celebrity: idk. Bart Simpson
Author: hmm...the guy who wrote catch-22
Artist: dont have 1
Music: INDIAN music is awesome!
Hobbies: Tennis rules! basketball, cricket, volleyball, table tennis, watching sports and news.
i have to listen to music in order to function. Even while writing essays or such, I have to be listening to music simultaneously.</p>
<p>wow, so many ppl from jersey, where exactly? i'm south jersey.</p>
<p>Where in South Jersey?</p>
<p>Whoa simultaneous, similar posts.</p>
<p>Why do they call em' wisdom teeth? </p>
<p>Cause they MAKE YOU SMARTER! gosh... its so obvious... ;)</p>
<p>Hahaha, Tainter, wisdom teeth are such a pain to get removed. I need to get that taken care of before college. Eckie is more evolved than us. Gosh, I'm just glad no one's pointed out something annoying like...oh, that God says there is no such thing as evolution.</p>
<p>Name: Rachel
Location: Long Island, NY
Fav School Subjects: Government, Literature
Fav Color: green or purple
Fav Dessert: frozen cool whip.. try it.
Fav Celebrity: Dane Cook
Fav Author: Tom Wolfe, Nick Hornby, Orwell, Kerouac
Music: death cab, the academy is, bright eyes, the shins, the postal service, brand new, jet, rilo kiley, motion city soundtrack, neutral milk hotel, taking back sunday, the starting line, eric clapton, the matches, copeland, fob, weezer, sublime, green day, dave matthews, the rolling stones, relient k
Hobbies: music (listening to it, not playing it, unfortunately I'm not blessed with musical talent), running, reading
..I love cooking breakfast for people
..I am addicted to coffee
..Sometimes I listen to cds over and over until I know all the words to all the songs
..I eat apples down to the CORE. Seriously, when I'm done, it's like seeds and stem.</p>
<p>I like this thread<3</p>
<p>What's your favorite Kerouac book? I'm reading Dharma Bums right now.</p>
<p>schmoody, we need to hang out and listen to music if we both end up at penn.</p>
<p>On the Road, for sure.</p>
<p>Name: Michael
Location: PA near Penn
Fav School Subj: ap lang, ap bio last year
Color: tangerine orange, electric blue, bright green...i like adjectives
Dessert: vanilla cake w/strawberry icing
Celebrity: maybe britney spears or somethin
Author: garth nix, cate tiernan, silver ravenwolf...they all have random names
Artist: umm dunno
Music: tons...the deuce project, evanescence, and a perfect circle are a few of my favorites
Hobbies: reading, writing, talking, thinking of things to talk about...
Random stuff:
umm i own instruments i can't play. i spend hundreds of dollars on books each year. i like to make random things like bread and cupcakes at random times. i spend 1.5-3 hours in the school library every day cause i don't have classes. i sing a lot but i'm terrible</p>
<p>Oh. and my DENTIST even told me I'm more evolved. So THERE :P</p>
<p>Name: Ray
Location: San Diego, 10 minutes from the beach, an hour from the snow, two hours from the desert (everything is really close here).
Fav School Subj: AP English Lit (saved me from illiteracy), Math 150, 151 (Calculus)
Color/hue: Black
Dessert: Ben & Jerry's Karamelsutra Ice Cream, Haagen-Dazs Strawberry Ice Cream.
Author: Jhumpa Lahiri, Khaled Hosseini, Dalton Trumbo and many others.
Artist: Frank Lloyd Wright, Van Gogh, I like abstract painting.
Music: Lots...Kanye West, Postal Service, Teddy Geiger, Gorillaz, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Modest Mouse, Three Six Mafia, and whatever is in my iPod.
Hobbies: CC lol (this S**T is distracting), Sightseeing, Sleeping, Photography, Driving around.
Random stuff:
I was a certified tax preparer for the 2004 tax season. Umm... I have really bad road rage (teenage hormones, I suppose). I'm supposed to be doing my AP English Lit Essay right now (killing the time, I guess, haha).</p>
<p>Name: Allan
Location: The Aloha State. Hawaii, baby! where there's nothing else to do but going to the beach....
Fav School Subj: Love them all. I especially love Calculus and writing.
Color/hue: Black
Fav. Dessert: Oreos ice cream and ice cream in general
Fav. Author: Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham, Dan Brown, R.L. Stine (Goosebumps, haha), Ian Fleming, and Nick Hornby.
Fav. Artist: not really into art.
Fav. Music: Green Day, Matchbox, Switchfoot, Something Corporate, anything alternative but not too emo-ish.
Fav. Movies: Wedding Crashers (funniest movie ever), Wall Street, 40-year-old Virgin, The Longest Yard, Waterboy, Ms. Doubtfire (second funniest movie ever), Catch Me If You Can, etc.
Hobbies: Writing, video games, basketball, watching football, etc.
Random stuff: I sing a lot too even though I'm horrible (can't even sing tenor right). I'm the ultimate procrastinator, always doing things at the last minute except maybe the things that I care a lot about. I always underestimate and am pessimestic although I'm always smiling, weird, I know.</p>
<p>allan, you're so dark!</p>
<p>Eckie: My father's a dentist so I MUST be right. ;)</p>
<p>Adding movies to my list:
PI (greek symbol, watch it, its cRaAAaaAZzzaAy), Fight Club, Scarface, Unforgiven, Road to Predition, Syriana, Batman Begins, LOtR, Bourne Identity
Funny and kiddy movies (you can't compare these movies to those avove, just not fair):
Office Space, Monty Python (I NEED to see the shows!), Incredibles (best of the pixars)
(I haven't seen Wedding Crashers, 40-year-old-virgin, or Big Labowski - but have been told numerous times that I would love them)</p>
<p>fight club's awesome. and wedding crashers was really funny.</p>