For those that study philosophy...

<p><a href="That's%20what%20my%20philosophy%20teacher%20was%20telling%20me:%20with%20a%20Ph.D%20in%20philosophy%20you%20can%20only%20teach%20it.">quote</a>


<p>This is true, but I do not plan to have the most extravagant life. A life of intellectual enrichment will suffice.</p>

<p>At any rate, I am thinking of earning the J.D. after the Ph.D.</p>

<p>We will see what happens.</p>

Physics is great. It is sufficiently grounded in the real world so you won't lose sight of it.


<p>Like string theory and quantum mechanics? Relativity? A dubious claim at best.</p>

<p>Hasn't this thread seen enough argument??</p>

<p>"A dubious claim at best."</p>


<p>"Hasn't this thread seen enough argument??"</p>

<p>No way, jose! This is the law forum; if you don't like arguments go over to the business forum and smooch around or to the premed forum and practice your bedside manner. On the law forum and the marriage forum, arguably, all we do is argue:D. (Besides Aries is not one to get worked up over inconsequential matters.)</p>

<p>I studied a lot of physics, and, just when you think it's getting really whacky, the profs will bring up some completely practical application of what you learn. </p>

<p>I did some string theory work in undergrad. You would think that its almost philosophical, but we spent time writing computer code and finding the best way to model the behaviour. It was a lot like engineering, in fact. </p>

<p>Considering how much of law does involve networking and kissing up to people, perhaps we should import some of those habits into our discussion.</p>

<p>Ok, so why do I only have 400-something posts ? That's kind of sad; I have been around this forum forever!</p>

<p>I guess I need to launch a posting campaign! So, don't be surprised if some of my future posts only break the 10 character rule simply because I need to in order to post:D.</p>

<p>Having said that, I still advocate for the fine arts over physics; the only time you'll wear your hair a-la-Einstein in theatre is when you are playing a phycisist (or Don King), other than that you'd be forced to be more "mainstream" and have real and constant --and perhaps trivial, depending on one's opinion-- human contact on a daily basis.</p>

I guess I need to launch a posting campaign! So, don't be surprised if some of my future posts only break the 10 character rule simply because I need to in order to post.


<p>Well... you could always initiate trivial arguments like someone does around here...</p>

<p>And physics rules... along with philosophy ; )</p>