<p>I love Brown, but a friend of mine whose sister attended Brown in the 1990s told me that Brown is a “serious party school” and that I would find it incredibly boring since I do not party (and I mean I do not party at all; no drinking, drugs, sex – it’s a religious thing). I hope my friend’s sister is exagerrating. For those who currently attend or have previously attended Brown, will a fuddy duddy like me still have a good experience there? Thank you.</p>
<p>I know someone from my school who matriculated to Brown and is a freshmen there this year. When she came back for the holidays, I caught up with her, and she admitted to me that at first she didn’t like Brown, because it does have that party atmosphere that it is so well known for (but then again, which school isn’t heavy on partying, with the exception of Chicago and MIT?). However, you do have the choice of not partying because you’re not really forced to, and she chose that route and remains focused on learning and making the most out of her Brown education. After all, not everyone at Brown is there to party, so you’ll likely find your own group to hang out with and still have fun without the booze.</p>
<p>So she said that she can’t get back to Brown … which she sincerely seemed dissapointed about because of the J-term so their holidays last for more than a month. </p>
<p>On the other hand, she still can’t stand the 2 sex bathrooms.</p>
<p>It’s college.</p>
<p>That is to say, anyone who goes to a big state school would scoff at Brown being called a party school. Anyone who goes to say, BYU or Liberty would think we’re all out of our minds crazy with the partying. But really, it’s college. Lots of people do party on weekends, a fair amount of people do not. Partying is just more “obvious”-- it’s external and easy to find. The non-partiers just have to spend some time to seek each other out and figure out what their scene is at Brown. We have a ton of people who never touch a drink; we have a ton of people who never attend a party; we have a ton of things going on that are not party related at all. It’s college-- variety is the spice of life and the rule, not the exception.</p>
<p>Thanks, modestmelody. I realize it’s college and that partying occurs at all universities. I guess what I am looking for is more objective criteria than “there are tons of students who don’t party.” Can you give me your opinion on the percentage of kids at Brown who do not party? Thanks.</p>
<p>It’s impossible to say percentages. I will say that in any larger freshman unit (60-80) it felt like there were 3-5 students who would never, ever, ever dare be somewhere people are drinking, and another 25 or so who “party” only rarely (once a month or less).</p>
<p>Many Brown students who drink drink responsibly, and binge drinking is, in my experience, the exception and not the rule. Far less people binge drink than I think “outsiders” think of. Freshman tend to party hardest, in my experience. </p>
<p>Most importantly, I’ve never been at a party where I was uncomfortable if I was not drinking.</p>
<p>These are all guest-a-mates and many many people will have numbers way different than my range.</p>
<p>Thank you, modestmelody.</p>
<p>I you think he meant guesstimates. lol had to comment on that one</p>
<p>Uhh, there is a Christian group on campus and I know they don’t party. But idk which religion you are, maybe I skimmed over it or you didn’t post it. </p>
<p>As far as HOW people drink it varies, some people get stupid drunk a lot, many don’t. We have the full variety. I remember back when I was in highschool I was very anti-party but my views on that have changed entirely since growing up. So the things you worry about now may not be the most important factors in the future.</p>
<p>As far as as the bisexual (haha) bathrooms goes, I did it last year I thought it was great. I was the only guy sharing a bathroom with 7-8 girls. I learned one thing, girls are much cleaner than male athletes. I hate a disgusting bathroom. The girls were very cool about it as well - so much so that they’d leave the shower curtain half open while they shaved their legs (with one leg popped out of the stall) and another would always undress outside the shower. I could have easily walked out at the right moment and caught an eye full but of course never did. They had no problem doing their business right next to where I was brushing my teeth. I used to live with a girl I dated for 2 years so hearing a girl pee was no big deal. Point is, I was surprised at how okay with me being in their bathroom they were. I DID find out there was one girl who went upstairs because she thought lots of guys were using that bathroom and it turned out to be my friend’s girlfriend who is now very familiar with me.</p>
<p>Wolfman: Are all the bathrooms co-ed?</p>
<p>No offense but there are schools for students who for religious reasons do not want to join the normal partying life found at college. Brown ain’t one of them. I think you should apply to those schools instead of maybe taking a spot at Brown from someone who would fit in. Just a thought . . . .</p>
<p>Far from all bathrooms are coed-- the vast majority are not. Most bathrooms that are “co-ed” are actually assigned to be single sex but the people on that floor who share it come to some kind of agreement.</p>
<p>Unless you specifically choose to live with guys you won’t be forced in an area with co-ed bathrooms.</p>
<p>That being said, after freshman year, most of my friends have had co-ed (because they had mixed sex living arrangements) or private bathrooms.</p>
<p>I was also somewhat anti-party in high school but changed as I got older-- for many reasons, most of them being that partying at Brown was not at all like partying in high school.</p>
<p>…and we have yet to get that beer or meet up in Vegas modest haha</p>
<p><- fail. I don’t have class tomorrow and I’m not doing anything right now…</p>
<p>I already brushed mah teef and my stomach is recovering from Iron Wok earlier (chili pepper chicken was f’ing hot). I have plans for tomorrow night but maybe Saturday night? or…</p>
<p>Is there a nice scene of people who don’t drink or do drugs? Like how’s the substance-free housing set up? What’s it like? Is it very religious? Not that I have a problem with it, I just hope that’s not all there is to it.</p>
<p>Why do people get so freaked out about this stuff? </p>
<p>It’s not like you have to choose a) go get drunk b) hang out with the people who don’t drink</p>
<p>People who drink or who may smoke or whatever don’t do it ALL the time.</p>
<p>I completely agree, I’m not in college right now but because of my beliefs, similar to yours I don’t drink or smoke, but I’m perfectly able to go to a party where everyone there is drunk and I"m the only sober one. It all depends on if you’re weak against peer pressure. Maybe that’s why you’re a little worried. I’m sure you’ll find sober friends that won’t drink or party. I think your experience of the “party life” or “non-party life” depends on your friends and whom you surround yourself with. Find friends that don’t party, or have similar beliefs to you. Good Luck! : )</p>
<p>It’s just a belief I’ve held on to throughout my life. That, and having asthma for a greater part of my earlier life. I would just prefer to be able to head to my dorm without being in the essence of the stuff. Especially after raeding this article:
[Brown?s</a> Drinking Problem: When Abstention Breeds Ostracism | The Brown University Spectator](<a href=“http://thebrownspectator.com/drinking-problem-brown-university-abstention-breeds-ostracism/]Brown?s”>http://thebrownspectator.com/drinking-problem-brown-university-abstention-breeds-ostracism/)</p>
<p>Quite honestly, and I say this from talking to 3 different students who have lived sub-free freshman year–</p>
<p>Most people think the sub-free housing community is extremely crappy, immature, etc, and that they were better off being in general housing and just not using drugs or alcohol.</p>
<p>That comes from experiences across several years amongst different communities, etc.</p>
<p>And the reason why sub-free people don’t get housing choice is because there are too few to take over most spaces, and since that community is defined by separation, there are only so many places where 14 is actually a separation.</p>
<p>The type of people who go into a community that has to be labeled as substance free are just different than the general population at Brown-- which includes MANY people who rarely or never drink. I know great people who lived in subfree housing, but they were generally outcasts of that community entirely because they wanted to be more integrated with other students at Brown, did not want to limit their lives to sub-free housing events, and had no interest in making the Brown community (or their own) subfree, they just wanted to live separate from those things.</p>
<p>How prevalent are drugs besides alcohol?</p>
<p>Pot is pretty widespread. Here and there I’ve heard about people doing shrooms. Minus that there’s little to nothing else going on that you’d find unless you were seeking it. And even the shrooms was just one friend of mine…</p>