Forced to live Off Campus

<p>Hello. I'm currently a freshman at Virginia Tech and recently received my housing lottery number. Out of 1745 numbers for males, I got 1701. I emailed the housing and unfortunately, they told me that it was near impossible for me to get a housing contract on campus. I am paying most of my tuition off with scholarships/grants/loans.</p>

<p>So my question is, once Virginia Tech gets my FAFSA information and find out I am living off campus, will they give me less financial aid? Will they consider that I was forced to live off campus and provide financial aid for that? Or will they disregard it? </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Your financial aid won’t be drastically affected, if it is affected at all.
I don’t think Tech gives away grants that are specifically for on-campus housing, and you should know if your scholarship is meant for housing or tuition or whatever.</p>

<p>The rest of your Financial Aid package should be the same, regardless of if you are living on or off campus. The only difference will be that there won’t be housing charges on your student account, so whatever Financial Aid you have left over will be given to you in the form of a refund. Just be responsible for the money you get & spend it only on school stuff and rent.</p>

<p>You might even find that its about the same price to live in an apartment as it is to live on campus. In some cases (like mine!) it might even be cheaper! You just have to look in the right places.</p>

<p>Yeah, they shouldn’t drop your aid. Housing is built into your “need” whether it is on or off campus. If you get enough aid they’ll actually be cutting you a check which you can use for rent or anything else.</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshman at VT and is looking for apartments for next year. Any suggestions for a clean, safe apartment complex?</p>