
<p>So I got my housing assignment a while ago and I'm gonna be in Gooch/Dillard, but I really don't think I'm gonna be happy there. My group and I would rather live off-grounds than live in G/D, but I have a slight dilemma. Right now, my financial aid package from the school + fed gov is enough that I don't have to pay for tuition and fees, but my parents are worried that if I choose to live off-grounds, they're going to take away more than just room & board. (Our income is still going to be the same.)</p>

<p>I guess what I want to ask is: has anyone ever been in this situation before/know someone who has been in this situation before and can give me some advice?</p>

<p>I already emailed student financial services, but I just wanted some other insights before they get back to me.</p>

<p>(P.S. if this is at all important, I am OOS)</p>

<p>About the financial thing you might not get money for tuition and board. It’s just my guess though. Also, some suggestions for you are to live in Faulker or Copely. You might be able to get someone to switch with you.</p>

<p>If I wait til after Jan 23 and try to submit a waitlist application for Bice, what are the chances that a group of 4 would get in? Also, how late do you think I could find off-grounds housing? And is there any way to directly swap housing contracts right now, or would I have to wait til after Jan 23?</p>

<li> Very small chance a group of 4 will get into Bice, especially if you applied to it in the first rounds. Apply as 1-2, you’ll have a much better chance.</li>
<li> Off-grounds housing will be available basically at any point until next year. Better/cheaper/closer places might be full by Jan/Feb, but you’ll be able to find decent housing until August, and there’s always sublets.</li>
<li> There is a way to swap contracts, but you have to find somebody to swap with.</li>

<p>the should be off grounds housing whenever you need it (this is coming from someone who just moved to Charlottesville at the beginning of December, so I was recently looking at options)… off grounds for 4 people together, would be more difficult.</p>

<p>pigs, I think once student financial services tells you what criteria need to be met for you to receive financial aid, we can give you better suggestions on how to go about meeting those criteria. Also, you need to talk to your parents and see if they’re okay with you not having a housing contract while you sign up for the waitlist. good luck.</p>

<p>soccer, I hope you enjoy C-ville! If you don’t mind my asking, are you a grad student or are you just down to enjoy the beauty of the area? Because it is quite lovely! ;)</p>


<p>I am working through Americorps ([AmeriCorps](<a href=“”></a>) in one of the offices at UVA. You can PM me for the exact office if you want, but I don’t want to post it in public =). I just don’t want anyone thinking that I speak as an official representative of the school or something, b/c I DO NOT (I DO NOT!)… haha hopefully that will cover it. So yea, I just moved at the beginning of December. Haven’t done much yet, as things are/were just finishing up for the semester. My contract with Americorps runs through Dec 09, and then I’ll be looking at grad school and/or government work (I try not to plan too far ahead… I spent my last semester at WM planning my trip backpacking europe instead of looking for a job, oops?). So for now, I am exploring, and doing my best not to get lost! Luckily Cville is not that big =)</p>



<p>hahaha. that sounds completely worth the time! In fact, it’s something I would do. :slight_smile: Good luck with AmeriCorps! I hope I’ll be seeing more of you in CC: UVa edition. We can always use more help!</p>

<p>When calculating student aid, my experience has been that financial services comes up with aid based upon the estimated cost of attendance. So regardless of whether you live on or off grounds, that number does not change. Even though I live off-grounds this year, my aid was calculated according to the estimated cost of attendance, which was around 41k I believe.</p>

<p>So I don’t think they will reduce your financial aid, but I would call someone to be sure.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys! I’ve been emailing Student Financial Services back and forth and they’ve told me that my aid won’t change whether I live on or off grounds, but it’s good to know that someone (NYYanks65) has some sort of experience with this so I know I’m not misinterpreting anything. Now… to convince my parents to let me live off-grounds, haha. :)</p>