Fordham, Babson, Bentley, and Northeastern

<p>I've already applied for the schools but i just want another chance update
Information worth mentioning.
School : Dwight-Englewood ( ranked 7th in NJ ranked 93 in country)
cum gpa: 2.7 uw.
interim: 3.5 uw
SAT: 2060, 670-math 680 comp 710 writing
AP this year: Stat and Compsci
took latin 4h, imm 1 and 2 h.
Holistic: 240 on HSK 4, 1st placed medalist in Prima Arts competition. Played at Carnegie and Merkin Hall
Start up buisness. Mantis Custom
Start up official Volunteer Organization. CAC China @ Hunan.
Stocks: 1000 intial investment turned into around 3,500 after paying back loan and broker( fidelity) Opnet Tech and Cantor Fitzgerald Shares.
bunch of other holistic but these stand out the most
ED: Babson
EA: fordham, northeastern, bentley</p>

<p>Thank you and good luck to the seniors in the college process.</p>

<p>bump pls.</p>

<p>you are a match for all of those schools!</p>

<p>^a match for Northeastern with a 2.7 GPA? </p>

<p>^No way!</p>

<p>im already in Kelly School of business, Indiana University. Love the Bm tho. </p>

<p>a 2.7 GPA is low for the schools you are applying to. They may be reaches unless you have something outstanding on your application. </p>