Fordham, Babson, Northeastern and Bentley. Change me please.

<p>I've already applied for the schools but i just want another chance update
Information worth mentioning.
School : Dwight-Englewood ( ranked 7th in NJ ranked 93 in country)
cum gpa: 2.7 uw.
interim: 3.5 uw
SAT: 2060, 670-math 680 comp 710 writing
AP this year: Stat and Compsci
Holistics: 240 on HSK 4, 1st placed medalist in Prima Arts competition. Played at Carnegie and Merkin Hall
Start up buisness. Mantis Custom
Start up official Volunteer Organization. CAC China @ Hunan.
Stocks: 1000 intial investment turned into around 3,500 after paying back loan and broker( fidelity) Opnet Tech and Cantor Fitzgerald Shares.
ED: Babson
EA: fordham, northeastern, bentley</p>

<p>Thank you and good luck to the seniors in the college process.</p>

<p>Move this to chance forum</p>