Fordham class of 2025 EA

Son got into Gabelli Business School RH!!!
Congrats everyone!

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if it doesnt say anything about scholarships on letter, does that mean you got nothing?

i dont know, i just emailed asking

Who did you email

Iā€™m also a National African American Recognition Program Scholar but I only received the Deanā€™s Scholarship. How did you inform them that you were in the national recognition program. Did you just put it under honors on the Common App or did you submit extra documentation?

Iā€™m guessing undergraduate admissions. I just did the same.

If no scholarship popped up on the decision letter does that mean no scholarship at all? or are they coming at a later date?

If you didnā€™t get merit aid in notice, IT MEANS NOTHING. It means the financial aid office is still working on it. They may not have gotten to it yet. Additional info may be needed.

Son is Fordham grad, his generous scholarship info was not received until mid January, his acceptance was in mid December

Many tri-state, 5 boro kids may not be granted housing. That will cause a big problem for lots of families.


same question

Really? That gives lots of hope!

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If they asked for documents about a week ago do you think that is one of the reasons why nothing showed up?

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i think there was a question about it on the fordham section of the common app not rly sure tho, i also had it listed in the awards section of the common app. i didnā€™t have to submit any proof or anything

I assumed this but nice to hear Re: fin aid. :slight_smile:
Our letter said son guaranteed housing all 4 years RH

DDā€™s also said housing guaranteed for 4 years at LC

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I got in with a Deanā€™s Scholarship.
I had a 107.63 weighted gpa, and a 97.67 unweighted GPA (so like a 4.0 unweighted idk weighted because of my schoolā€™s grading scale)
I had a 1530 SAT, and am a National AP Scholar and a National African American Recognition Program Scholar.
Iā€™ll have completed a total of 12 APs by the end of highschool and I got mostly 5s and a two 4s on the ones Iā€™ve taken so far. idk how many honors, but it was more than 12 Iā€™m thinking maybe 15-20.
Also, I had pretty strong ECs, I interned on a Congressional Campaign for a few months, participated in MIT Online, Science, Technology, and Engineering Community (MOSTEC), volunteered at my churchā€™s food pantry, and did other stuff like Student Government and tutoring at my school. Also, was a member of Honors Orchestra playing the double bass and Select Chorale
In hindsight though, I think my Fordham University essay could have been stronger (but I wouldnā€™t call it bad.)

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Do you know if they will mail out physical acceptance letters also, or is it all online this year?

was everyone accepted offered 4 years of housing?

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Congratulations! My daughter just received her acceptance to Rose Hill.


My daughters acceptance said 4 years of housing.

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our sonā€™s said 4 year housing RH

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