Fordham class of 2025 EA

@Radiantnicbo. Your stats are super impressive. I’m guessing Fordham is a safety for you. Maybe admissions picked up on that as well? Did you show any interest? Just guessing but that’s my guess.

@antiquedealermom The scholarships will roll out in mid January

My daughter was accepted to Rose Hill campus with Fordham Recognition Scholarship (full tuition).

3.8 UW/4.34 W
1480 SAT
9 APs/ 8 Honors level classes
AP Scholar
National Hispanic Recognition Program winner

Academic decathlon, school newspaper copy editor, speech and debate, choir, founded yoga club
Catholic HS


Fordham is actually my dream school, so I am super disappointed. I visited them virtually in the spring, but I could not visit in person due to safety concerns and distance as I live in Mississippi. Do you know if being deferred limits the merit scholarship chances because I could only go with a large merit scholarship.

dude same I was deferred too, I honestly think its because Fordham was one of the first I applied too and my essays could have been better so we’ll see once I submit the essay that they want for deferred admission.

Well I’m glad we are in the same boat. This is my first non-rolling decision, and the deferral is making me incredibly nervous for the future ones. I have my fingers crossed for you girl.

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Hi! I just got accepted into Rose Hill campus! super hyped
1410 sat
3.8 gpa
I didn’t hear about merit but I am hoping that I will find out in February. I had to turn in my parent asset form this weekend so I think that affected my letter.
Good job everyone!

My stats were 3.2 GPA
no test score
3 APs 12 honors
definitelygood essay though so take that into account ik my GPA is low that’s why Im mentioning that.

DS21 got in EA Gabelli RH with GPA 3.77 UW, 1440 SAT, 7 AP and mostly honors/advanced classes, private rigorous prep school in NY, very strong in math and recommendation letters
EC JV hockey, crew, habitat for humanity, volunteer boys and girls club. No scholarship!


I did mention above that my son was accepted his stats were:
3.8 UW /4.0 W
7 APS/All honors
Test Optional
Top 10%
EC: Mostly drama/music related, part time job at Chick Fila, NHS, FBLA
His essays were about sense of belonging and about becoming a big brother after being an only child for 15 years.

Same here! I was deferred (Fordham’s my top school) and the only way I can go is if I get a big scholarship. I’m wondering the exact same thing… hopefully scholarship chances are not limited but unless someone else has an answer we will have to wait until April I think

Just found out that I got into Gabelli RH with a full-tuition scholarship!! Stats below for anyone curious.

GPA: 3.94 UW and 4.48 W
SAT: 1520
AP Scholar with Distinction (9 APs, 3 dual-credit classes, and a lot of honors classes)
Awards: National Merit Semifinalist, Seal of Biliteracy
Extracurriculars: musical instrument, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, other honor societies, executive in multiple clubs, tutoring, conducted independent research affiliated with T20

Congrats to everyone else, and good luck to those who were deferred :slight_smile:


Side note, did anyone get into the honors program? How would we find out?

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Best of luck, I am sure you will still get accepted!

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I got accepted EA at Lincoln Center
GPA: 3.5 UW/ 4.01 W
SAT: Applied test optional
Courses: All honors/college prep & 1 AP class
ECs: Varsity cross country, theater, and lots of community service
No scholarship

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I hope scholarships are still to come. Some have said January for full package

Don’t you think scholarship to follow???


Just curious, did you apply EA or ED? Your stats are great.

I applied early action. I didn’t apply early decision not because they weren’t my top pick, but because I cannot afford it unless I get significant aid. Thank you by the way.

Surprised you didn’t get in with the Semifinalist full tuition award.

accepted EA Lincoln Center!

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