<p>First off, I want to congratulate everyone who got accepted into Fordham. I have a few questions in regards to Fordham's dorms at Rose Hill Campus. How are the dorms there? Can anyone attending Fordham describe to me the dorms (their names, perks, social groups that tend to live there, and style)? And which dorm would be considered the best for a freshman like me?</p>
<p>Can anyone comment on lincoln center, too? Sorry to thread jack. I visited this summer and saw one dorm, it was amaaaazing but i dont know if they showed us an astounding one for the tour, or if it was an average dorm…</p>
<p>Freshmen Dorms:</p>
<p>Loschert Hall (Alumni Court North)- Four floors boys and girls separated on each floor. One study lounge on each. One crappy kitchen and microwave in the first floor lounge. From my experience most get to know the people right around them. But it is not a real open environment, especially since it it broken up by gender. Mostly doubles, from what I hear living in a triple sucks.</p>
<p>Alumni Court South- Same as North right next door.</p>
<p>Hughes Hall- Allegedly the party dorms, all the rooms are quads but from what I have seen it isn’t too cramped whatsoever. A lot of the “pregaming” is done in Hughes. Hughes is the closest to the dining hall.</p>
<p>The rest for freshmen are academic dorms with special programs and what not. I really don’t know too much about them, but the three mentioned above are pretty much the standard when it comes to Freshmen living. As you will see security and the dorm rules are really ridiculous, one of the major complaints about Fordham. Opposite sex may never sleep over, guests have to be signed out by three, etc.</p>
<p>There’s a couple of threads about the freshmen dorms already, but what I’ve been wondering lately is, what are interactions between RH and LC kids like? I mean, do they ever hang out or anything, or do students mostly associate with those on their campus.</p>
<p>I mean, the latter would make sense, but I was just wondering.</p>
<p>The great thing about Fordham Rose Hill is that the dorms are very distinct. Queens and Tierney are the freshmen academic theme dorms, but they arent geeks either. Visit campus in April during the accepted orientation and make your selection then. In June you will get something in the mail and you can make your top three choices. Freshmen dorms anywhere on any campus are…well…freshmen dorms. Kids out of the home for the first time and you get what you expect. Fordham does a pretty decent job of trying to pair up kids with similar interests and backgrounds. Its not a perfect system. Its part of adjusting to college.</p>
<p>O Hare is the upperclassmen dorm…its fairly new, really nice and a lot quieter than the Freshman dorms…then there is Walsh, the upperclassmen apartments on campus. And there are also upperclassmen apartments immediately off of campus as well. </p>
<p>Lots of choices. and you pick your roomates after Freshman year.</p>
<p>As far as rules go…yes, there are rules and they are not that onerous. 3am is the curfew to 'get out of the opposite sex rooms." No drinking in dorms and if you are caught you get written up. Do kids violate the rules? Yes. Do they get caught? Yes. Are sanctions imposed? Depends on the violation. Trust me, when you are studying for an exam or writing a paper, you dont want a lot of extraneous activities going on to distract you.</p>
<p>Are the dorms perfect? No. Are they perfectly acceptable? Of course. Are they lots of fun? You betcha.</p>
<p>Do kids at LC and RH interact? Not a whole lot. The campuses are not close, though there is a RamVan service. The people at LC tend to be theatre and dramatic arts types most often and fewer of the athletic preppy types. But you can take classes there and you can meet people and hang out if you wish. No problem with that. Some kids meet students at guest lectures etc or movies etc. Or clubbing around.</p>
<p>The message is this: if you party hardy you will pay a heavy price, fall behind, flunk out and Fordham will call your parents and ask them to pick you up and take you home. It happens every year…sometimes as early as Columbus Day in October (mid terms), but most often after Thanksgiving or over Christmas break. Its sad. Smart kids who just are too immature to handle the situation. Fordham is an academic school and the work load starts out slow for freshmen…as you adjust but picks up speed rapidly…and it can be overwhelming if you get behind, or stay up too late and get sick…or party too much.</p>
<p>Be warned.</p>
<p>“Do kids at LC and RH interact? Not a whole lot. The campuses are not close, though there is a RamVan service. The people at LC tend to be theatre and dramatic arts types most often and fewer of the athletic preppy types. But you can take classes there and you can meet people and hang out if you wish. No problem with that. Some kids meet students at guest lectures etc or movies etc. Or clubbing around.”</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. i keep wanting to flip between campuses because my personality is like a mix of the two. i’m into theater and the arts, but i’ve also got a “preppy” side that enjoys going to games and things like that. Soooo it’s hard to decide.</p>
<p>I AM THE SAME WAY! i can’t decide. i applied to LC. but now i’m afraid i won’t have i’ll miss out on fun stuff at RH.</p>
<p>*but now i’m afraid i’ll miss out at RH.</p>
<p>^ You can always apply for internal transfer or just take courses at the other campus.</p>
<p>ya i applied to LC but my friend at RH keeps telling me to transfer because the social scene is all at RH</p>
<p>but one of the main reasons i want to go to fordham is because LC is right in the middle of manhattan, i don’t want to be 30 minutes away from the city, you know? but i’m also afraid there are tons more people to meet up at RH, and i’m not an artsy type of person, i want to do math and physics haha</p>
<p>I asked my personal contact lady about doing internal transfers, and she said all you had to do was email the admissions office and ask for one, then they’ll decide whether or not to let you transfer. Does anyone know if they usually reject/accept these? She also told me it could take weeks.</p>
<p>i’ve read a bunch of horrible student reviews of the residential advisors/people who run the dorms calling them the gestapo, anybody know if there is any truth to that or is it not true?</p>
<p>whyd they change the name for north?</p>
<p>hr35hrn: Mine refused to let me in at 5 o’clock in the morning because I happened to forget my ID, which is okay, but I left like 2min before I tried to get back in again. I explained the situation and how I was already late for my flight, but he kept being a ****** and threatened to have his “supervisor come”. They aren’t really good at assessing the situation.</p>
<p>5 am in the morning? Those aren’t RAs or anyone dealing with ResLife, that’s on campus security at that time. can’t imagine RAs being up that late patrolling who enters the building.</p>
<p>fordham13: the changed the name to Alumni Court North because the naming rights were sold. </p>
<p>hr35hrn: the RAs for the most part are cool, I’ve never had a problem with them, then again I’ve never done anything to get in trouble with them. However the ResLife office has been just a bad experience. The way they handle the lottery system is horrible.</p>
<p>One of the worst things about fordham IS the res life division. From my experience the freshman RA’s are extremely strict…they will go out of their way countless times in order to **** you over. The same goes for the judicial process. If they suspect you of doing something you aren’t supposed to expect to be written up and fined regardless of your explanation. Theres a fine line between keeping the students safe and just plain digging for money, and for me they consistently have crossed that line. </p>
<p>As for endlessrecession’s post- the curfew is actually 3:30 but yea, it’s still bs. I also don’t think Fordham is very challenging but that depends upon the person. If you are a complete idiot and don’t go to class then obviously you won’t do so well.</p>
<p>There are 5 freshman dorms at Rose Hill, and each of them have different styles and feels.</p>
<p>Alumni Court North/ Loschert Hall (newly renamed) and Alumni Court South: These are your typical freshman dorms. Mostly doubles, a few forced triples, community bathrooms, game room in south, Laundry facilities in the basement of both buildings (*Laundry is free on campus) and study/recreation lounges on each floor. Both are coed by wing or floor. For floor plans please visit the respective websites. Loschert: [Fordham</a> University - The Office of Residential Life at Rose Hill - Alumni Court North](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/alumni_court_north_19839.asp]Fordham”>http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/alumni_court_north_19839.asp) South: [Fordham</a> University - The Office of Residential Life at Rose Hill - Alumni Court South](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/alumni_court_south_19840.asp]Fordham”>http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/alumni_court_south_19840.asp) </p>
<p>Hughes Hall: These are spacious quads that are located in the middle of the campus in between Eddies Parade (the quad), Dealy Hall (an academic building) and the McGinley Center (the cafeteria, bookstore, club offices, career services etc). Hughes is coed by floor. I lived in Hughes my freshman year, and one of the huge advantages as an incoming freshman with three roommates is that you automatically have three friends upon arrival to the school. If each of you makes 2-3 friends over the course of an hour, you already have a group of 20 kids to hang out with. There are also laundry facilities in the basement (*Laundry is free on campus) and study/recreation lounges on each floor. For floor plans of Hughes please refer to the Hughes website: [Fordham</a> University - The Office of Residential Life at Rose Hill - Hughes Hall](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/hughes_hall/index.asp]Fordham”>http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/hughes_hall/index.asp) </p>
<p>Tierney Hall: Home of the ManResa programan integrated learning community/residential college that combines one class with dorm life. Tierney is the most recently renovated freshman dorm, and is also the only freshman dorm to offer air conditioning (Note: we are in NYC, and are in school for fall, winter and spring AC is really only nice for two weeks in the beginning of the year, and the last few weeks of the year). Most rooms are doubles, but there are a few quads. There are also laundry facilities in the basement (*Laundry is free on campus) and study/recreation lounges on each floor. For more information about the ManResa program go to the programs website: [The</a> Manresa Program](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/academics/colleges__graduate_s/undergraduate_colleg/fordham_college_at_r/special_programs/manresa_program/index.asp]The”>http://www.fordham.edu/academics/colleges__graduate_s/undergraduate_colleg/fordham_college_at_r/special_programs/manresa_program/index.asp) </p>
<p>Queens Court: Queens is another of Fordhams residential college, and is also the wellness freshman dorm. A residential college is essentially a dorm that has more required programs (ie Knight Court which is a time when all of the residents come to the lounge once a week and listen to their neighbors give show and tell presentations about themselves). There are three wings of queens and each of them has their own special advantage. One of them has walk-in closets, one of them has private bathrooms (the only wing of freshman dorms with private bathrooms), and the other has extra-large rooms. For more information on the queens program please refer to the queens website [Fordham</a> University - The Office of Residential Life at Rose Hill - Queen’s Court Residential College](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/queens_court_residen_19849.asp]Fordham”>http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/residence_halls_and_/queens_court_residen_19849.asp) </p>
<p>For Reslife policy please refer to their general website: [Fordham</a> University - The Office Of Residential Life at Rose Hill](<a href=“http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/]Fordham”>http://www.fordham.edu/student_affairs/residential_life/rose_hill/)</p>