Fordham University Early Action Decisions Fall 2023

I was hoping that would happen! Is that just dreaming ?

Fordham Financial Aid: Their reply to almost everything: TAKE OUT XYZ LOAN

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when did they receive the upgrade to Cuniffe?

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It was March 15, 2021


Does anyone have any experience on the 3/2 program. First 3 years at Fordham and the transferring to Columbia (if qualified of course) to finish last 2 years.

My child was admitted to LC campus with Computer Science hoping he could complete the 3/2 program with an CS degree from Fordham and degree in engineering from Columbia.

I don’t even know if this is a good option for him. Any thoughts or info are great.

Thank you.

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A lot of schools offer these 3/2 programs, because they sound attractive on paper, but few students who initially plan this route actually end up completing it. For students who know they want an engineering degree, the better advice is to go to a school that has engineering from the start. Another thing to consider is financial aid. Students who do this option are typically considered transfer students and receive no aid, so will have to pay full price during the 2 years at Columbia.

ETA: Fordham is not known to have a strong CS department.

Is this an actual program? I have not seen that but am interested.

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Yes, a real program. Columbia partners with about 100 different schools to offer a 3-2 engineering degree. Schools from Adelphi to Yeshiva. Fordham is 1 of them.
ETA: sometimes students see this as a “back door” into an ivy, if they didn’t get in otherwise. But of all the many students who plan on a 3-2, very few actually do it, either because they can’t meet the requirements to transfer, they change their mind, or they can’t afford it (Columbia charges full price.)


So cool!

My daughter’s friend was offered the Cunniffe scholarship right around 3/16, I believe. I think she applied RD. My daughter is NMF, applied ED, and her offer of the Fordham Recognition Scholarship has not changed. This friend that was offered the Cuffniffe is a spectacular student with amazing ECs.


Amazing! We were hoping for that one, but are glad that we know now that it’s not happening.

I’m one to hold out hope until the very last minute, so it ain’t over yet. :laughing:


Haha ok me too!!

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My daughter does not remember ever being offered a spot in the Honors Program nor does she have an email mentioning it, but today she received an email inviting us to an information session for students who have been invited. So I’m not sure if she missed something along the way or if this was the invitation or if she hasn’t actually been invited at all yet. Have you received any notification?

It was seperate email after admission. Maybe missed? Ask her to check email with “honors “ in the search to pull it up?


She searched her emails and it wasn’t there. She emailed her counselor at Fordham and it looks like she was indeed invited in December. I imagine it either went to her spam and was deleted, or she accidentally deleted it somehow without ever processing the information. Her counselor offered to resend the email so she can respond.

These are the things that make a mother buy wrinkle cream.


Congrats! LC or RH?

They absolutely are! I told my son he needs to farm his applications like keep checking them and weeding them. I don’t think he listened :joy:


RH. It looks great to me. I’m kind of getting jealous, I think!

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I went to RH. Such a beautiful campus. We had a blast.