Foreign Language Requirements

<p>I have taken 4 years of Spanish in grades 8, 9, 10, 11: Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 (all As, if it matters). I did not take a foreign language in grade 12, never took AP and did not take AP exam. How many years of Foreign language do I have to take at VT for Political Science major?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>According to this: <a href=“Department of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences | Virginia Tech”>Department of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences | Virginia Tech; you don’t have to take any since you’ve had 3 years in highschool.</p>

<p>This is what I thought at first, but my PID account says
Foreign Language Requirement: Requirement not met.</p>

<p>Make sure your transcripts and everything were sent correctly, and ask your adviser once you get one.</p>

<p>Thank you. Whom should I call at VT regarding this?</p>

<p>If you’re a new student don’t worry about it. They’re still processing your information, the foreign language requirement status is generally updated around the middle of fall semester.</p>