<p>i arrived on the set a few minutes late and had to rush to fill in the bubbles</p>
<p>I forgot to fill in the serial number and the proctor didnt want to retrieve my question booklet so she just said that she'll fill it out for me since she personally checks the completeness of each answer sheet anyway.</p>
<p>However, I'm still worried that she'll forget.
Is there anything I could do?</p>
<p>Also, seeing how this is my first AP of the year, I left the test room with only two AP labels off of my AP Pack. Did the test require three or am I being forgetful?</p>
<p>Lasty, I noticed at the end of the test that I had not used a number two pencil. Instead of HB 2 or w/e, it says 2 5/10 and then a MEDIUM against a black circle. It was yellow though. Will that somehow invalidate my multiple choice responses?</p>
<p>Am I being stupid?</p>
<p>You should be fine, many people even use mechanical pencils, and the truth is the machine can read any type of marking, even if by pen. It just looks for contrasts in light and darkness.</p>
<p>what about the serial number?</p>
<p>bumpity (apologies for violating TOS if I have done so)</p>
<p>Hopefully your AP Coordinator remembers. Only 2 labels are required for AP Euro.</p>
<p>Yes hopefully your AP coordinator remembers…</p>
<p>I hope you placed your AP label on the answer sheet OR you filled it in using the bubbles. Both are fail-safe methods that ensure the identification of your answer sheet
But god help you if you did not place your AP number on the FRQ booklets…</p>
<p>Oh and HB = #2 pencil. It’s like yards and meters. The world uses HardBlack (HB) scale and the US uses #2,etc scale.</p>
<p>yea but i think my pencil was 2 and 1/2.</p>
<p>I only noticed towards the end; I had about 5 minutes left over after checking through, so I quickly tried to refill them with my other pencil. However, I’m not sure if I completely refilled each circle because I saw no difference between the 2 1/2 and the 2.</p>
<p>Is it really that big of a deal? One would think the College Board machines would be able to read semi-standard pencils.</p>
<p>It’s not a big deal honestly. Collegeboard knows that there will be mistakes. If they run it through the machine and see that you scored a flat 0 or they can’t even read your information that you bubbled in, they will hand grade it and charge you a nice fee for their “generosity.” :P</p>
<p>Either that, or the machine will be able to detect the contrast since some of the bubbles are bubbled in by CB using black ink so I’m sure your pencil will be fine. I THINK (think in capital letters) that they use the #2 standard since it’s not too light and it doesn’t smudge like crazy. </p>
<p>Or you can talk with your ap coordinate about erasing and refilling in the bubbles in front of his/her eyes if you used the wrong pencil.</p>
<p>EDIT: Here I googled it for you
<a href=“How Everything Works - Welcome to www.HowEverythingWork.org”>http://www.howeverythingworks.org/page1.php?QNum=1529</a> I was some what right on my info XD</p>