forgot to wave my rights to see the counselor form

<p>On all forms, including teacher recs and school reports, I signed and declared I would never request to see those papers. However, for Columbia Secondary School report I did not sign it because the counselor printed it herself. I did not really get the chance to see it and now they are already sent. Will the absence of a signature make a big difference for admissions officers? I really think she wrote a very nice letter and evaluation check marks, but will they think she is biased when they wont see me waive my rights? I hate that I forgot it. I did it on every other form.</p>

<p>There was a long thread on this a few months ago.</p>

<p>I was looking for similar threads before I posted but could not find any. I think ones that I found were about teacher recommendations.</p>

<p>the other thread was about waiving rights for teacher recs, but it’s the exact same concept.</p>