<p>This might sound a little extreme, but I'll just ask it anyway</p>
<p>Is anyone here forming new judgements of people based on what schools they got into?</p>
<p>This might sound a little extreme, but I'll just ask it anyway</p>
<p>Is anyone here forming new judgements of people based on what schools they got into?</p>
<p>I wouldn't say that I'm forming new judgments of them, but I definitely have learned more about some people based on where they applied and where they decided to go. But they weren't good friends to begin with (I'm a soph).</p>
<p>In the negative sense, why would you judge someone negatively based on the schools they got into? Say you know a really brilliant guy who deserves the Ivy Leagues, but faced quite a few rejections. This guy can write wonderful essays and engage you in deep, intellectual discussions. Would you think him stupid if he only got into local State U or whatever? No. You shouldn't and you wouldn't.</p>
<p>Personally, I try not to judge people. It's not my place.</p>
<p>I agree with Anarchist. It seems pretty shallow to do something like that.</p>
<p>Well, I'd think if someone I thought was a shallow and unintelligent/moralless person got into HYP, then I'd think that he really wasn't as bad of a person, character-wise, as I had originally thought, and might go and try to know him/her more rather than just based off first perceptions</p>
<p>It's a bigger legitimate judgment on YOU if you form shallow judgments of others (based on superficial things). My 2 cents</p>
<p>Oy Vey...IMO, If you guys are judging people based on where they were admitted to school it's not only shallow, but very short-sighted.....I don't even want to go into the million reasons why this is wrong; it just is.....End this before this thread gets ugly......</p>
<p>We all make superficial judgements, no matter how perfect we may claim to be. The point is to admit our mistakes and faults, that's what is distinctive.</p>
<p>everyone will judge by where you went, it is natural human nature. Someone who went to HYPS over some state school in Nowhereville will be looked on more highly, but really it in the end is just a school.</p>
<p>It might be shallow, but it happens. It especially happens with parents! Lots of judging going on there, silent, but palpable.</p>
<p>I'd be more inclined to make re-judgments of the schools (School X let him in? Oh Lordy...) than of the students, but my mind works differently from most people's.</p>
<p>So you guys don't go like "this person must be a superior being than this person because he went to X school"</p>
<p>No...definitely not.</p>
<p>Sometimes I think worse of someone if they end up picking a school for a stupid reason- like just because they're gf/bf goes there... But I wouldn't think someone is stupid for going to a less selective school.</p>
<p>It's interesting to see how people go to school that match their personality. A really good student in our school is going to a really good university that is also sort of known to be kind of boring- like the people are a bit "white bread" if you know what I mean. It's hilarious because she's completely boring too, so it all works out! Things like that are funny.</p>
<p>No, in some cases just surprised some people did not get into places they would seem to be relatively strong candidates for. Tend to wonder why.</p>
<p>no, but i changed my opinion of a sort of friend on WHERE she applied</p>
<p>i thought she was smart, role modelish</p>
<p>then I talked to her and she applied to every school b/c of "prestige" (every ivy, etc)...that's a big turnoff...I'm still her friend, just no idol worship :)</p>
It especially happens with parents! Lots of judging going on there, silent, but palpable
<p>Definitely for Azns. I'm already tired of the "what did s/he get on the test/exam?"</p>
<p>I'm really surprised that so many people are saying no! I think there's a lot of "What? He got into Good School?" and "Jeex, she's going to Average School?" And the parents! "Oh and where are YOU going?" Unspoken: "Not to Ivy School my son attended?" Blech. Unspoken by me: "Ivy School your son went to ten years ago? He wouldn't have gotten in today."</p>