Frait Party Hiatus

<p>Anyone know if the IFC is continuing the social moratorium? I haven't seen anywhere and the sun's website is down...</p>

<p>Don’t you have any prelims coming up soon that you should be studying for instead? :wink: lol. Umm, I’m not sure if it’s still in effect…I was kind of curious about this myself, but I just assumed it was.</p>

<p>Yes, it was voted tonight that it will be continued…
sorry freshmen, take it as an incentive to meet older guys and get invited to private events</p>

<p>Seriously? NO parties this Saturday?</p>

<p>Super serial</p>

<p>its called collegetown. or getting invited to closed events.</p>

<p>I think it’s a good move by the frats, why risk spreading something that you can get so easily like that? Especially if you’ve got one kid who’s sick and he’s going to like, ten different parties that night.</p>

<p>I think it’s a good idea, just not sure exactly how effective it is. If the sick persons gonna go out, they’re gonna go out. Whether it’s a frat or C-Town, they’ll spread it.</p>

<p>I guess it just depends on how many freshman will find somewhere else to party, or whether they’ll stay and do something with a couple of friends.</p>

<p>what’s there to do in Ithaca?</p>

<p>^ Exactly. Haha. </p>

<p>I mean you can go to the “mall” and watch a movie or go out to eat…</p>

<p>And yes I put mall in quotes on purpose…</p>

<p>im sorry, I can get swine just as easily at JO’s or a 500 person lecture as at a frat partyl</p>

<p>ZFanatic - do you have a real major at Cornell? You seem to be a lot more concerned about parties than about schoolwork.</p>

<p>^We’re freshmen</p>


That’s true. But the IFC has no control over collegetown, only what occurs in fraternity houses… or at least that’s what they’ve said.
I voted against the initial moratorium, but honestly now that a member of the greek system has passed away, allowing open parties where the disease could be spread through drinking games and close contact would be insensitive to the loss of the warren’s family, zbt, the greek system and the university as a whole. Having small events is a small price to pay.</p>

<p>"ZFanatic - do you have a real major at Cornell? You seem to be a lot more concerned about parties than about schoolwork. "</p>

<p>I apologize for trying to have some fun on the weekends here. I’ll study all night on weekends in addition to all day, since I guess that’s not enough.</p>

<p>I get all my work done during the week and study during the days on weekends, so I can go out and have fun Friday and Saturday nights. Isn’t that what most people do?</p>

<p>I feel weird, I like barely do any work at Cornell yet…but seriously, it’s not like we aren’t allowed to have a social life…</p>

<p>"I feel weird, I like barely do any work at Cornell yet…but seriously, it’s not like we aren’t allowed to have a social life… "</p>

<p>Yeah, at least I haven’t had that much yet. I mean it’s enough to keep me entertained, but certainly not so much that I need to stay up that late and study non stop. I get it done during breaks in the day and stuff, my labs are done like 2 days after I do them, etc. Just stay on top of it and it’s easy (for now anyway). </p>

<p>I am kicking it up a notch for the bio prelim next week though, I started studying for that like 2 days ago. I’d like to think 10 days of studying is enough? We’ll find out.</p>

<p>Zfanatic - you seem to have a very balanced life. It’s important to have fun.</p>

<p>^ I’m confused as to whether you’re mocking me or not…</p>

<p>I think oldfort is being sincere. We are parents and we do remember the weekends in college. There is nothing wrong with working hard on Mon. through Fri. and doing a little partying on the weekend. Sunday is a work day right? Have you gone to the rock wall yet? Just a suggestion.</p>