<p>hey all just curious on the details of the fraternities of boulder, the people in them, how hard to get (amount of and nature of hazing involved), and rules imposed by college onto frats. I know that delta chi had some trouble and disenfranchisment from the college, but i would still like to know about it and any other similar cases. thanks a million</p>
<p>cwc1096, I sent you a pm.</p>
<p>i got your message thank you. I am much more informed.</p>
<p>You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.</p>
<p>could i maybe get some info on that too? thankss</p>
<p>helper111, I sent you the same info via p.m.</p>
<p>Hey ColoradoMom, could i also get the info on fraternities?</p>
<p>Haha, I’m also curious.</p>
<p>P.m.s sent to both of you . . .</p>
<p>could you pm me it too please?</p>
<p>p.m. sent, chuck19.</p>
<p>another question about the boulder frats. will i still have to pledge for the fraternity despite me being a junior or will i be simply let in.</p>
<p>You still have to go through the Rush process and be offered a bid by the fraternity you want to pledge. Rush happens two times a year: once in September and once in January/early February.</p>
<p>could i also get some info on the matter? thanks.</p>
<p>a pm please? thank you. I am also curious.</p>
<p>pms sent . . . :)</p>
<p>Could I also get the info?</p>
<p>me too, please ???</p>
<p>Done . . . ;)</p>
<p>im a girl but im just curious could you send it to me too? thanks hhaha</p>