Fraternity Tier System?

<p>Is there a fraternity tier system at University Wisconsin?</p>

<p>Like well respected and on campus fraternity.</p>

<p>If there is nobody cares much. I’m sure there is amongst themselves but from the rest of campus–nobody cares. Lately it seems to have tended to becoming a more out of state thing to do.</p>

<p>Agree that no one outside the Greek system pays any attention to them. None have houses on campus- only close by, as are many off campus apartments. No added respect from nonfrat people- off the radar for most students. UW is not a place dominated by Greek life. It is important only to those who choose it.</p>

<p>How does the rush work? I saw online there’s like a form. Do you actually have to go through all the houses for fraternities?</p>

<p>Very few care enough about frats to be helpful. Wait until you are a student and see how things work. You will learn a ton about UW once you are there.</p>

<p>My observation is that the Greek system is not central to campus life at UW-Madison. I’m sure that those in it enjoy it, but it seems pretty much irrelevant to most students.</p>