Freaking out about low test scores... need opinions!!!

I’ve taken the ACT three times, once sophomore year and twice junior year, and I have somehow managed to get a 30 each time. I’ve studied hard, bought all the prep books, and I just keep getting 30s I also took the SAT and got a 1410,(720 R, 690M) which is a little bit better but not much. I can’t take the SAT in August because my cousin is getting married, but the October and November dates are possibilities.

So I guess my first question is, if I were to send all three ACT tests to colleges that superscore the ACT, how would they look at it? Superscored, I would have a 32 ACT (35E, 30M, 33R, 30S) but I feel like colleges will think I’m dumb or didn’t study hard and take the tests seriously. The colleges I’m looking at that superscore the ACT are NYU, University of Pittsburgh, John’s Hopkins, Boston University, and Purdue.

For the colleges that don’t superscore the ACT, I would send my 1410 SAT score. I’m planning on applying to NYU Early Decision and University of Michigan Early Action, both of which have deadlines November 1st, plus a lot of colleges I’m applying to have rolling admissions (Pitt). So for those colleges I would have to take the October SAT if I were to take it again. Should I bother taking it, or is my 1410 high enough? I feel like when October comes I’ll have too much on my plate to focus on another SAT test. If it helps, I have a 4.3 GPA and I feel that my essays will be pretty strong.

I also wanted to take some more SAT subject tests, which I would take in October or November, depending on if I were to take the October SAT. I took the Biology M test and got a 710, and I wanted to take the Literature, Chemistry, and Math 2 tests. However, if I take these tests in November, would the colleges with November 1st deadlines look at these scores? Is there someway to indicate on my application that I am planning on taking those tests, or do I absolutely have to have everything in by the deadline?

I know this is a lot, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Pitt does not superscore the ACT.

If you do send all three of the scores, colleges will most likely just use the one that puts your application in the best position possible. Superscoring the ACT will definitely help you in general, but it’s best to check the published stats for those colleges first.

College application deadlines and SAT score submission deadlines are two different things. Check the sites for the school to which you apply. The deadline for sending new SAT scores is usually a month or so after the application deadline.

@carachel2 yes they do according to their website.

@AL okay, thank you!

OP. I think you might be misunderstanding Pitt’s website, which says:
“We will use the highest of the SAT superscore or the ACT composite score in reviewing your application for admission.”

As of the 2016-17 application cycle, Pitt superscored the SAT but not the ACT (which is not uncommon). And I think the above text says the same thing.

I believe more schools super score the SAT than the ACT. Taking the October SAT might end up beneficial even if you just do better on 1 section.

@LuckyCharms913 maybe we’re looking at different things. I found something that said “we will combine your highest ACT subscores from all tests submitted.” I’ll email the admissions office and ask for specifics

Well, your scores are not perfect, but if you keep getting a composite of 30 you are performing better than most students. Plus colleges evaluate profiles made up of many factors and the applicant’s fit with the school’s goals for the incoming class. If you scores are below those required by the school, then you may not be qualified for admission at the particular school. However, if other information meets standards and goals for the class you may be admitted. Colleges do not assign a numerical value to each component of the application, rank order all applicants, count down from the top value, and count down the number of available slots. Of course this method is not applied. You probably have seen the complaints of other applicants who consider themselves passed over to admit a lesser applicant. Send your materials in. Stop freaking out; that is neither helpful nor realistic.

Are you instate for Pitt?

@MYOS1634 no I live in Michigan

In that case, your parents will have to pay 40k (no financial aid for OOS and you won’t qualify for merit) each year whereas you have equivalent colleges in Michigan where you’d pay instate tuition. Will they be onboard ? Talk to them. No need to " love" colleges that won’t be affordable.

There are lots of good colleges that you’d qualify for with a 30. Get a Fiske guide and select 25 of then, then run the NPC (it’ll cull your list real fast).

@MYOS1634 money isn’t an issue for my family. I really like the city of Pittsburgh and the campus was beautiful. They also have an excellent premed program

Pitt only counts the English and Math scores for the ACT.

what’s your intended major? you seem to be taking a lot of tests, I’d not take the SAT or ACtT anymore, five is a warning signal, you probably should have stopped taking the ACT after the second try. AOs are ok with taking a test twice as you do improve but three of one and then four SAT 2s could mean you love tests and that’s all you’ll do in college, after hitting the library. Even if you’re going to do that, you have to show you’ll be engaged. Take Math 2, then take one of Lit or Chem depending on if you going stem or non-stem.