Free APUSH Prep for a Five

Do not feel the need to waste money on review books ESPECIALLY if you cannot afford them (like myself). Instead, there are so many different helpful review guides online. I highly recommend using Adam Norris on YouTube for APUSH review; he reviews the key points in each chapter and emphasizes what is important for the AP exam. By watching all of his videos and taking notes, coupled with extensive review in class, I was able to get a 5 without ever opening the textbook! That being said, I’m not encouraging anyone to not read the textbook, I was just stressed and very pressed for time. Please consider looking into his videos, they did me wonders! :slight_smile: Good luck everyone, it’s a very interesting class!!

I really discourage people taking the class from doing this. The videos simply do not cover enough material in an adequate depth for class quizzes and exams. The videos are fine for review especially for the AP exam, but do not go into your class not reading the textbook and only watching these videos. My friends that did this had consistently lower grades than those that read the textbook and didn’t watch the videos.

I know, which is why I specifically said that I wasn’t advising anyone to not read the textbook. I know that it is a very valuable asset to the class; I just so happened to have a teacher that was so amazing and provided such great materials that it wasn’t necessary for me to do that. That being said, that’s missing the point of my original post, which is simply just recommending Adam Norris videos as a great review and note taking resource for those who can’t afford to buy review books. :slight_smile:@1650mile