Free college tuition plan

Sounds like a start in the right direction

How much money is the governor’s plan going to provide? Tuition is only $6500 a year, and according to the article: Cuomo’s proposal would cover whatever tuition costs remain after other sources of federal and state financial aid are factored in for students meeting the $125,000 threshold.

This looks more like a publicity stunt than any real assistance to me. If tuition is $6500 and a student can borrow $5500, that amounts to a $1000 per student/yr subsidy for the first 2 years. A better course would be community college for 2 years and uni for 2, which would be a lot cheaper for the state and the students.

It is a 163 million dollar start . I don’t see any other proposals by politicians out there that are any better.

Families wouldn’t have to borrow to pay tuition. That’s the purpose of the [url=]plan.[/url]

TAP is the state tuition grant. Families who earn $80k or less currently are eligible for a tuition grant of up to ~$5k/year. I think families making $40k or less get the full award. The more you earn, the less you get. The grant is phased out at ~$80k.