Free Tuition for Families under $125K

Well, this seems to be a pretty big deal:

“Under the governor’s plan, any college student who has been accepted to a state or city university in New York — including two-year community colleges — will be eligible provided they or their family earn $125,000 or less annually.”

Oh boy…where does the $ come from I wonder? That Second Ave Subway would have paid an awful lot of tuitions…

It does pay for an awful lot of tuitions every day. NYC subsidizes the rest of the state through it’s ultra high taxes. NYC is a net giver to the Upstate areas. If the 2nd avenue subway goes in, rents go up, property goes up in that area, more people move in, more jobs. All of that equals more revenue for upstate areas and NYState.

NYC says: You’re welcome!

if it gets passed free tuition is only awarded to those who make under 100K a year, itll take a few years for it to be the full 125k