<p>Where can i get the real practice tests online? Is the sparknotes site exactly the same like the book? IS the site comprehensive enough? thanks a lot</p>
<p>Hmm, for math II and Physics (the tests I've done so far), the Sparknotes site is really good :)
In the Physics Subject test that I took there was a question about something that was not included in the Kaplan or PrincetonReview study guide, but was discussed at Sparknotes.</p>
<p>However, if you would find that sparknotes lacks detailed enough information about sth, just look up that topic in your closest physics book...</p>
<p>what do u feel about pr vs kaplan vs barrons</p>
<p>PR>KAPLAN>....>.....>.....>.....>Then Barrons</p>
<p>I actually think Barron's is pretty good because if you can do well on those tests, then you're in really good shape.</p>