French 101...Hard?

<p>Hey guys, I'm a freshman in UW-madison and I have a few questions concerning French 101... I was just wondering if French 101 would be an appropriate course for me since I've never learned French and just wanted to take this course due to personal interest... I heard a lot of people who takes french in college have maybe taken a year or two of french classes in high school and I was just wondering if I'll be able to survive in French 101 with my lack of experience...</p>

<p>Please give me some advice :) Thank you!</p>

<p>have you never heard of 101 before?
101 means beginner…</p>

<p>As long as you’re willing to learn and you’re serious about trying to learn French, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>You’ll be able to “survive.” Class is designed for people who have little/no previous French experience. I will say, however, that my language classes at UW were some of the most rigorous and demanding, especially where time and daily courseload is concerned. They were also the most beneficial, providing truly valuable, marketable skills in the long run. I spent 3-4 hours DAILY on some of them, though, in addition to regular classroom time. Obviously learning time is all relative to individual learning styles, and I think language skills/vocabulary memorization took me a bit longer than some others, but that was the story for me… and I did well in them as a result.</p>