my son is attending Terminale S(Scientific) of the English section of a French Lycee, will pass the OIB this July. He has been recruited by a Division2 school. Now the NCAA is translating the transcripts from school and they claim that there are not “enough core courses” for eligibility ( only 1 Math course instead of 2, which is ridicolous!). Does anyone know of a conversion from the French system to the USA one in terms of core course credits for NCAA? It looks like nobody knows. His University is also a public State one and does not know much as well. Thanks!
The NCAA is going to have the final say on this, I expect they have converted all kinds of foreign transcripts.
I know that doesn’t help you right now, is there someone at the DII school to help you? I would start with the coach and see what s/he thinks…there could be someone in athletics adept at this, or admissions. From there you could work with someone from the NCAA. Lastly, you could work with a third party athletic consultant in the states…this will cost $, and it would be best to get a referral in to someone who has worked specifically with internationals.
Lastly, the NCAA requires a min of two years of math for a reason, and in the states a student (who plans on going to college) only taking one math course in HS would be unheard of. Can your student take another math class this semester or in the summer?
How many years of schooling did the transcripts cover that you submitted to the American university?
I am asking because Lycees are typically 3-year schools, while American high school covers 4 years. I wonder if your son could document the 2nd required year of math from the last year of the school he attended prior to the Lycee?
thanks for your feedback. So my son has done Math every year of his schooling. And we are sending transciprit from 3eme (which is the year before the Lycee). So he has sent in the information about 3 years of Math and he will take another one. He is doing advanced Math, as it is the Bac S. We are getting help form the coach. But I am still trying to understand the situation.
It’s good the coach is involved. Here is NCAA’s eligibility info for students from France, if you haven’t already seen this, it provides links to some helpful information.
Good luck!
Thanks. yes, I am familiar with that table. I am just questioning the fact that the exams results (such as GCSE, Brevet and French Bac) are not taken into account for instance. In the case of the OIB a “full academic review” is required as the translation is not as simple. I have the impression that they have not done it yet. I was looking for someone that had the same experience.
There’s clearly a problem with the translation you used.
I’m used to NCAA and can help. Please PM. (You can check my record on this board easily).
Time is of the essence so that your son does not get stuck in an administrative quagmire as the NCAA knows how to create.
What D2 school?
What mention is he expecting, if any?
What spé ?
Has he been admitted to the Honors program/college at his D2 school? If not look into it right away (or I can help there too - an OIB kid should be in honors at a D2 school unless we’re talking UCSD/CSM).
Dear MYOS1634, not sure how to PM you on this forum. I managed to “fix” things with NCAA, however I was wondering indeed if he was supposed to be in Honors in the D2 school (University of Illinois Springfield) and now how to transfer the courses as credits. Please PM me yourself if you know how to do it…This is very important and useful! Thanks! Patrizia
Did his transcript use actual names dor classes (Calculus, Spanish 4…) And levels (honors, advanced…)?
What’s his spé?
What’s his FRENCH moyenne ? Does he expect any sort of mention?
I will pm you later today.
the trasncripts were just literal translation from the French name. so no “actual US names”. And no level. Spe is “S/SVT” French moyenne is around 12 for now, he expects a 13 at the Bac likely (>mention assez bien 12/20). Thanks a lot.