<p>Has anyone applied for this scholarship yet? I have a question about the recommendations: On the main site there is a link for recommenders to go to and submit the applicant's name and app ID#, then submit their rec. But on my scholarship app, it says: </p>
<p>"Once youve submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, in which you can deliver to the persons writing your letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendations must be submitted through the online system and will randomly be verified."</p>
<p>Do I need to submit my app before recs can be submitted?!</p>
<p><strong>I was also wondering, is the scholarship committee totally different from the admissions committee? Can I reuse essays from my UC app?</strong></p>
<p>I submitted my app first, then I got the email with the links to the letters of recommendation page. I’m not sure about re-using essays. Hopefully there’s an alumni scholarship committee member or previous winner on CC who can let you know. You can also call the alumni scholarship office tomorrow and ask. If you find out, it would be helpful to others if you posted the the alum scholarship office’s response.</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>I didn’t even see the link for the recommendation page… where is it? Can they come after the deadline for the essays themselves?</p>
<p>I’m working on the app now. (Just finished the rough drafts for my essays, in fact.)
The way I understand it, you submit the app, get the email with the LoR (Letters of Rec) info, and then give that to your people so they can write and submit them.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t recommend reusing essays. It’s better to just not chance it and do something original. That way they see you’re really willing to put in the work instead of using a copout.</p>
<p>athenegoddess: this is what I was talking about:
Dear ____________,</p>
<p>Below is a letter you can deliver or e-mail to the person writing your letter of recommendation.</p>
<p>The UCLA Alumni Association thanks you for taking the time to submit a letter of recommendation on behalf of ______________. Please log into our online Alumni Scholarship application system to submit your letter of recommendation by visiting [url=<a href=“http://www.uclalumni.net/Recommendation]Redirecting...[/url”>http://www.uclalumni.net/Recommendation]Redirecting…[/url</a>].</p>
<p>The system will ask you to enter the first name, last name and scholarship application ID number of the applicant. The applicant’s scholarship application ID number is ________.</p>
<p>Use the space provided below to type or paste in your letter of recommendation.</p>
<p>Once you’ve submitted your letter, our system will automatically link the letter to the student’s application. Please feel confident that a copy of this letter will not be provided to the student. The system will ask you for your name and contact information. We will randomly check letters of recommendations to preserve the integrity of the Alumni Scholarships program.</p>
<p>If you encounter technical difficulties, please contact Meghan Grandolfo at 310-206-0483 or <a href="mailto:MGrandolfo@UCLAlumni.net">MGrandolfo@UCLAlumni.net</a>.</p>
<p>Thank you in advance for taking the time to support future Bruins.
<p>UCLA Alumni Scholarships</p>
<p>it was a letter under the link on your account to access the scholarship app. </p>
<p>so does that mean i have to submit the app like right now in order to give my recommenders enough time? because that’s really soon for me :|</p>
<p>oops i didnt realize it wouldn’t show the link on here. well click the “redirecting”.</p>
<p>Does this mean that you can submit the letters of rec after the deadline has passed if you submit the app before the deadline?</p>
<p>I ask because one of my teachers has yet to submit it…two days before the deadline…during winter break.</p>
<p>If someone could clarify this, please do.</p>
<p>i know this is late, but in case you did reuse the essays, the alumni scholarship are reviewed by completely different people from admissions. so no worries!</p>
<p>hello samantha444!</p>
<p>I know it’s been a while since you last commented on this thread, but how did you know that the review committee for the UCLA alumni scholarship and the UCLA undergrad application are made up of different people?</p>
<p>waiiit soo do we have to submit our app first and then tell our teachers/!?!?! I NEED TO KNOW CAUSE THEN I HAVE TO GET MY APP DONE ASAPPPP</p>