Alumni Scholarship Letter of Recommendation

<p>I am doing the Freshman Alumni Scholarship application. My teacher sent in her letter of recommendation over the weekend. My counselor said she was sending hers in today, However, as of right now it still says 1 of 2 letters of recommendation received. Does it take a while for them to "receive" a letter of recommndation after it has been submitted or has it just not been submitted yet?</p>

<p>give it about an hour or two</p>

<p>anyway of contacting your counselor?</p>

<p>It should only take a few minutes at max. Did you check again?</p>

<p>It still just says 1 of 2 received.</p>

<p>same for me!!!111 bumpppppp</p>

<p>wil our app automatically be voided if both reocmmendations arent in by today??? when i submitted my app, it said that in order to move on to the next step, then both have to be submitted tonight!!!</p>

<p>is anyone else experiencing this problem? i chekced with my teacher and she said she submitted today at like 1 and it’s 9 now and it still doesn’t say 2 of 2? maybe it’s cuz it’s the last day??</p>

<p>Well if the teacher said she/he submitted it in time, then I’m sure it’s fine. The internet has some problems sometimes</p>

<p>ugh, i’m having the same problem. i have no idea what’s going on, because usually it shows up instantly.</p>

<p>i guess we can just email the alumni scholarship board and tell them before the deadline</p>

<p>i called them and they said the deadline for recommendations has been extended to the 20th!!! yay</p>

<p>oh, ok, well, what about if it still shows 1 out of 2 letters, </p>

<p>if the 2nd one gets late will it have an adverse effect?</p>