Freshman and Soph GPA?

<p>Hey CC, I didn't do so hot for about two semesters -- the 2nd semester of freshman year and the first semester of sophomore year; it was a transition thing. I got a couple of B's in those semesters and, for the first semester of freshman year, I got a C in algebra. I've had all honors for the most part, but a scheduling error made me lose honors in math sophomore year. I have a pretty strong app otherwise, will have a 2200+ SAT, Physics/Math/Astronomy college courses and a lot of Physics/Astronomy extracurriculars, all A's in full IB/AP, and so on.</p>

<p>Will this dramatically hurt my chances at Princeton?</p>

<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The answer at Princeton is not going to be any different from the same question you posed in the Harvard forum. Both schools recruit from the same pool of exceptionally talented students!</p>

<p>Does your school have Naviance? Or, a similar software program that tracks college acceptances? If not, ask your guidance counselor what was the lowest GPA Princeton accepted from your school. At my son and daughter’s high school, for example, over the past 9 years, Princeton did not accept one student who had below a 93-94 average. Not one. The majority of accepted students had GPA’s of 95+. It may be the same at your high school, or it may be different. Ask your GC, not those on CC!</p>