Freshman CSE Fall Quarter Schedule

<p>I registered for:</p>

<p>ComSci 1
ComSci 31
Math 31A
Chem 20A</p>

<p>Is this doable?</p>

<p>If you are really really really really really really diligent, then it shouldn’t be too bad, I have Comp Sci friends who took CS 31, Math 32A, and Chem 20A, and they thought that on its own was too much. I’m not sure how the rigor is for CS1, but for an incoming freshman, this may be a bit extreme.</p>

<p>I would suggest:</p>

<p>CS 1
CS 31
Math 31A
Easy GE</p>

<p>This is what I did and had no problem while also joining a fraternity (lots of time commitment)</p>

<p>Plus Take a GE fall quarter to make some non engineering friends. :)</p>



<p>That’s a good idea. The last thing you want to do is bite off more than you can chew the first quarter. Take it easy and get a high GPA.</p>



<p>This is standard for most CSE/CS majors, I would stick with it and get 20A over as soon as possible. Almost any GE is going to be more homework/reading/writing than Chem 20A and for an engineering major that might be a tough adjustment whereas 20A is just weekly homework assignments which is typical in high school. </p>

<p>I’m a CSE major and took the same exact schedule except for Math 31A I took 32A, so in my opinion you should keep it.</p>

<p>It is easily doable.</p>

<p>No, that is a perfectly doable and incredibly standard amount.</p>

<p>Keep that schedule.</p>

<p>That’s a pretty standard CSE fall quarter schedule, and it’s VERY doable.
I took the same thing last fall, except I took Math 31B instead of 31A.
It wasn’t bad at all, CS1 hardly counts as a class.</p>

<p>If that were CS32 however, then it would be a totally different story.</p>

<p>I hate to break it to you, but you’ll be wishing you had this schedule once you’re further along in your studies :stuck_out_tongue: But if you’re like me and barely pass Chem 20A, you might be able to look forward to retaking it! lol</p>