Freshman Deposit and Honors Housing

<p>Calmom, I received the below email response from the Honors College. Posting it FYI.</p>

<p>" Basically, we cannot technically guarantee that he will be able to get a room in Honors housing if he applies after January 1st, although we have never had a problem with space in Honors housing in the past. If you apply after January 1st, you may still be able to have online room selection, or you may be assigned a residence hall. They have promised to make every effort to put every Honors student in Honors housing, but again, that is not something we can guarantee at this time. I’m sorry this is confusing, this is our first year with these policies and hopefully we can we are working closely with Housing and Residential Communities to make sure everyone will be in the most ideal living environment possible."</p>

<p>Calmom, the above email is in line with the discussions we’ve had with Honors College.</p>

<p>We always hesitate to use the word guarantee, especially when we just can’t predict what students will want year to year, but our previous experiences are a pretty good indicator.</p>

<p>We have not opened for fall semester with Honors students who REQUESTED to live in Honors housing who we were not able to accommodate. It may take us a few more weeks for a few more spaces to open up. But we typically can get those students into a space in Honors Housing before they arrive on campus.</p>

<p>Thank you all re clarification on housing…my daughter wont visit til feb 22 and she is totally undecided between TCU, Bama, and Tulane…net cost is not too different…so question is whether I should buy the guarantee of Honors housing by making deposit and potentially lose $275… Which is not that much…but still…</p>

You won’t regret making the deposit. Think of it as insurance. Once your DD makes the visit she will be sold anyway. The Honors dorms are beautiful suites. Very modern with each student getting their own room. All close to Ferguson Center and most classes.</p>

<p>I am still trying to decide whether to make the deposit sight unseen as well or wait until we tour in Jan.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I510 using CC</p>

<p>Which will you regret more? the loss of a few hundred dollars or your D not getting into the Dorm of her choice…because that is the worst possible out come right? She has to settle for a dorm other than her what she would want. For me I would put the deposit down now because the Honor suites are the perfect living situation for my D, she is an only and will really value having her own space plus we have toured a few times and I can’t imagine anyone not liking Bama! It is a good combination of academics, school spirit, quality faculty and facilities, plus very generous scholarships.</p>

<p>Had Christmas Dinner at a friend’s home last night. Met some new people, including a very friendly couple from Houston. The conversation turned to colleges at one point, and I mentioned that my son is accepted at Bama, but that we were holding off on making any decisions until a visit next month. When I mentioned UA the couple, both big UT Longhorn fans, spoke in glowing terms of the UA campus, the great times they experienced attending football games in Tuscaloosa, and the fantastic experiences of UA students they know from TX.
Everyone I meet speaks so highly of the school I’ve decided to put the deposit down before Jan 2 to guarantee housing choice next year. I figure if everyone else seems to love the school there is a great chance my son will too, and I don’t want to risk him being left out of Honors housing.</p>

<p>We put DD’s housing deposit down before she applied and was accepted into the Honors College.</p>

<p>Will Housing get an automatic update that DD is officially “honors” so that she will be eligible honors housing (and will a similar update be automatic when NMF status is revealed in February). Or is the onus on the student to assure status is updated???</p>

The Honors designation will automatically show up onto the housing application once DD is accepted into the Honors program. To verify just log back into the housing application after Honors acceptance and you will see a box marked “Honors” and you will see a “Yes” now next to the box. If not call UA housing.</p>

<p>Do you guys think that if I waited like 2 more weeks to make the deposit I’d still have a chance of securing a room in any of the suites? I know honors is probably out of the question at this point but I was hoping Lakeside and Riverside would still have some rooms available.</p>

<p>There will probably still be space in Honors Housing is you apply in the next several weeks. However, you may not be able to pick which floor or building you live in (Ridgecrest South vs. East or West) and you may not find an open suite for 4 roommates. But there will likely still be space in Honors for incoming students.</p>

<p>In recent memory, we have not opened for Fall with students who requested Honors space who we could not accommodate.</p>

<p>Thanks for monitoring CC and posting answers to housing questions UAHousing. It is extremely helpful.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I510 using CC</p>


<p>Thanks a lot for the response, very reassuring. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to get a single in Burke at this point? That’s my ideal situation but I have no idea how available the singles are. I would prefer cheap housing and the freedom to stay during breaks.</p>

<p>does anyone know if the rules changed for Non Honors and honors kids living together in Honors- we know kids from last year that are Non Honors that live in Honors-…when i emailed housing they didn’t answer ? just said that Nh can’t be pulled into Honors but it was somehow done last year…</p>

<p>Don’t know about any rule changes. With the consolidation of all honors housing into one general area, I do not believe there will be any non-honors students “allowed” there. Of course, once everyone selects rooms, there are bound to be some open spots, and some students who don’t fit into the right category, so I’m not surprised to hear that a few non-honors ended up in honors, or vice versa, in previous years.</p>

<p>Is it all of Rivercrest and all of Ridgecrest?.</p>

<p>I actually found the printed Campus Map we got on our May tour, and want to check the locations, but have become confused…</p>

<p>If these ARE the only Honors dorms, where do the residents eat? And what are the differences between them (I see the floor plans are different). I think Rivercrest is much newer?..</p>

<p>Any guidance and factoids much appreciated,</p>

<p>For next year the honors dorms will be all of the various Ridgecrest building. (There is no Rivercrest – you are probably recalling Riverside.) The Ridgecrest buildings are newer than the Riverside buildings. Both Lakeside Dining and Fresh Foods in the Ferg are meal plan locations very close to Ridgecrest. </p>

<p>Ridgecrest South is the most recently built (other than the Presidential) and has a different layout than the other Ridgecrests and than Lakeside and Riverside. Some people prefer the Ridgecrest South layout while others like the Riverside/Lakeside/Ridgecrest East & West layout better. The rooms in Lakeside/Riverside/Ridgecrest East & West seem slightly larger to me than the rooms in Ridgecrest South. There are also slight differences in the bathrooms, kitchens and furniture. For a girl, one of the major advantages of Ridgecrest South is that the closet door is hinged rather than sliding, giving you another door on which you can use over the door organizational supplies. </p>

<p>You can see the floor plans on the University Housing website along with helpful photos and videos.</p>

<p>I KNEW I was confused!</p>

<p>Now if I could only find my reading glasses, I could study that map…</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I’ve read through all of this and I’m still confused. I’ve been accepted to the honors college and if I decide to go to Bama I want to live in the honors dorms. Am I guaranteed a spot in Ridgecrest even if I apply for housing in March (still waiting to hear back from other colleges)?</p>

<p>You are not guaranteed a spot in Honors Housing if you did not put a deposit down by Jan 2nd. UAHousing commented earlier that they have never had a problem placing Honors students in Honors housing, but there is no guarantee if you wait until March, especially if you want to be able to choose specific buildings, roommates, etc.</p>