Freshman here- coordinating roomate selection

<p>^^^That clarifies things, but please have a list that she and her suite mate agree upon. The other girl is honors right? otherwise your daughter will not be able to “pull” her in to an honors suite.</p>

<p>^^^ Yes, it’s Ridgecrest South-North Tower 1st, then RidgeCrest West (which I think is all honors), Lakeside West and then Riverside, etc. etc. etc. If she’s lucky she’ll find a spot in R-S-N. And yes, the other Student is also an incoming honors freshman.</p>

<p>Just remind her that Ridgecrest South North Tower floors 1-3 only for honors.
Good luck with housing selection, let us know how it went.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just to clarify, if my son has himself and one other to pull in (total 2) can he only select suites with 2 openings or can he pick a suite with 4 openings and then just let whomever get the other 2 spots?</p>

<p>^^^ 2 or more open and leave the rest for pot-luck.</p>

<p>Anyone know what kind of condition Friedman is in…? That’s the business school living learning dorm. Any info on Freidman would be appreciated. I know how the rooms are configured, etc, just curious about life in Friedman.</p>

<p>Are the floors co-ed…?</p>

<p>Hoping my D will be able to get a room in Ridgecrest South, North Tower. She’s decided she just wants to do the random roommate thing, so she only has to find 1 room. We can log on at 6:00 PM.</p>

<p>I’m still thinking that only honors and LLC housing options will be viewable tomorrow during our room selection process, since this is phase I (honors and living-learning communities). Phase II is non-honors and that’s not until next month, I believe. Anyway, so that’s my thinking as to why we don’t have to be as concerned with the floor numbers, etc., because they won’t even show up if they’re non-honors. Now, this is a total guess on my part, but makes sense to me, for whatever that is worth :)</p>

<p>Ridgecrest seems to be the first choice for most on here. What are the differences between Ridgecrest and Riverside?</p>

<p>No Rose - assuming that would be a huge mistake at picking time, you could easily get a non-Honors room.</p>

<p>disclaimer that this is how it was last year -
Momofonly1 on here has a DD in Honors, but she wanted to pledge a sorority and chose to live in Tutweiler. She picked at the same time as all other Honors Freshmen.
The early picking privilege is based on your Honors standing, all Honors, including those in any housing, get early picks of any of the dorms. When our exiting Honors students had their early pick all the dorms showed up.</p>

<p>Pretty easy to not make a mistake if you remember the ONE mixed tower in Ridgecrest South North. </p>

<p>Really, all the Honors dorms are nice, try not to get hung up on getting the few spots in RSN. There were very few avail after the first-round picks this year.
I think it’s like buying concert tix, you have the best chance of getting your first pick if you go in as a single. The more roommates you have the more it limits your selection. There are many happy people in all the dorms!</p>

<p>and there will be chances to switch as time goes on. not guaranteed, but possible.</p>

<p>I understand that you can choose a particular Bedroom within a suite. However, the tutorial refers to Bedrooms A, B, C, and D. The online floor plan refers to Bedrooms 1, 2, 3and 4. What format does the REAL housing selection program use? For instance, if I want an end Bedroom in Ridgecrest South, is that Bedrooms A and D or 1 and 4…or something else. The terminology is very inconsistent.</p>

<p>I just wanna say that if there is a group of two or just a single student that is selecting early, don’t take up your own empty room, please. If there is a room with just one or two people in it, just fill that room. There are a lot of groups of 3 or 4 students that would really like to room together, and need a completely empty room to do so. Thanks.</p>

<p>The way I understand the process (and how it worked when I was an incoming freshman) is that housing selection tomorrow will only include the living learning communities (including honors) for which they are eligible. Housing options not part of a Living Learning Community will be at a later date. The process is different for returning students as it lists all the housing options for which we are eligible.</p>

<p>If you want to get really confused about all the Ridgecrests, the Residence Hall Association refers to Ridgecrest East and West as Ridgecrest North. I really think that both of the towers that comprise Ridgecrest South need to be renamed as it would avoid so much confusion.</p>

<p>Searchguy, I haven’t been inside Friedman, but I pass it multiple times each day. It was recently renovated and has a combination of traditional double rooms with a bathroom down the hall and some suites where two double rooms share a bathroom. It is coed, but I don’t know if it’s coed by rooms, hallways, or floors. It is very close to the business school, but then again you can get to the business school from Ridgecrest or Paty in 4-6 minutes.</p>

<p>I’ll echo the others in saying that everything will work out fine. Things might get stressful at times, but that’s part of the process. I, for one, am really glad that we get to choose the specific building, suite, and bedroom where we will live for the next year. It sure beats filling out a questionnaire and hoping for the best. At many other schools, all of the freshman dorms have either traditional or traditional suite-style (two double rooms sharing a bathroom and possibly a living room) housing options.</p>

<p>Housing officially classifies bedrooms as A, B, C, and D.</p>

<p>I know that in Ridgecrest West, son’s room “B” is the second one from the living room, so it follows that they count A as the 1st room, B=2, C=3 and D=4 the one on the end.</p>

<p>Odd that they don’t refer to the rooms for selection as in the floorplan.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone from Ridgecrest South will respond.</p>

<p>Did a little reading on the UA site today and found this:</p>

<p>"Room Selection For Living-Learning Community Residence Halls ONLY
For students eligible for, and planning to select a space within a living-learning community (including Honors Housing)</p>

<p>The March login times are only for the living-learning community residence halls. Regular residence halls will not be available for room selection until April."</p>

<p>Based on this, my assumption seems correct. I may call in the a.m. just to confirm, but I’m not too concerned since Ridgecrest South isn’t my D’s first choice, but I know it is for some others on here. If I find out anything further, I’ll let you know.</p>

<p>RCS - the end rooms are A and D.</p>

<p>I asked thus question to UA admissions via email and they said that only honors rooms would show up in the selection process. So my daughter didn’t have to worry about accidentally selecting a non-honors room. If this us incorrect I would like to know too…</p>

<p>When you are making a selection does it show you a layout of the floors/rooms and then you click on the room you want or does it just give you a room number and you need to know where that room number is located in the building?</p>

<p>^^^^it will not show you the location of the room in the suite. it will only show room number and A,B,C,D. Go to the housing page referenced earlier in the thread to see floorplans.</p>