Freshman honor society confusion

<p>Son got a letter inviting his to alpha lambda delta honor society and I got a notification from someone else that he is invited to phi eta sigma . The second says he gets a grad cord, etc. and the office is in rose hall. Are these 2 different things? The second one has a deadline this week.</p>

<p>There are many honor societies at UA. Alpha Lambda Delta is the freshman honor society that a lot of freshmen typically join, though I’m also hearing of some students joining Phi Eta Sigma as well or instead of Alpha Lambda Delta. It’s really a personal preference as to which honor societies one joins. M2ck has a list of the ones her sons joined. Honor societies do typically have an initiation fee.</p>

<p>This topic is brought up around this time each year (and again after Spring semester GPAs are calculated). Search the UA forum for previous threads/posts on this matter for a lot more info and opinions?</p>

<p>Here is a link that compares opinions on the two Freshman HSs: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Like I said, tho, there are many other threads on this subject, so use the advanced search button above to have a look.<br>
Each year at university, there is at least 1 honor society for them to join. The membership usually get a little more stringent as they advance, because it can be harder to obtain the GPA required the longer you are at university. Some societies can be as high as the top 1% of your class. If you think your student will never qualify for any other honor society in university, then joining one of the “freshman” ones might be a good idea?</p>

<p>Here is a link to honor societies at UA: <a href=“”>;/a&gt; . Note that some societies are missing, possibly because their HS chapter is not under the umbrella Coordinating Council for Honor Societies (CCHS).</p>

<p>Lastly, here is a link to a thread discussing HSs relevant to eng’g: <a href=“Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi - University of Alabama - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;.
Tua Beta Pi is well worth its salt, IMO. Membership is restricted to the top 1/8th (or 12.5%) of the Junior class and top 1/5th (20% of the Senior class). It is more impressive to be inducted as a Junior. Ranking % is determined by the university GPA. By nature, a 4.0 GPA = rank of 1, even tho some students may have a higher GPA than that.</p>

<p>Unless you know something specifically beneficial, I wouldn’t join many of these honor societies. </p>

<p>There is usually one good one associated with one’s major. As mentioned, Tau Beta Pi for eng’g. Maybe there’s another one for specific disciplines w/in eng’g. </p>

<p>Every year you’re going to get invited to this or that society. </p>

<p>along with the noted one for your major, some of the good ones are:</p>

<p>Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Mortar Board
Golden Key</p>

<p>Others here may know a few others that aren’t related to a specific major.</p>

<p>Back when the earth was cooling, Alpha Lambda Delta was the freshman honor society for women, and Phi Eta Sigma was the freshman honor society for men. Both are now co-ed. Both memberships are by invitation only. Join one, join both, join neither - your choice. They usually don’t do a whole lot until it’s time to invite the next class to join.</p>