Freshman looking for Summer Opportunities

Hi Everyone!

I’m a freshman who is interested in pursuing medicine or CS as a career. I know these are different pathways, but I’m very interested in hearing about what some of you have done during the summer after your freshman year.

I would like to do some research but I have no idea how to find an opportunity to do research with a professor or in a program. How did some of you get involved in research?

Also, what sort of passion projects or volunteering you have done? They do not need to be in the area of medicine or CS.


You are finishing your freshman year in high school?

I would suggest volunteering with underprivileged folks. Maybe a soup kitchen or food bank. See if there are any volunteer opportunities at a skilled care facility. Become a camp counselor. Volunteer at a daycare.

If you have any personal connections with folks doing research, you could reach out to them…but it’s April, and likely these have been filled with college students.

You could also see if there are hospitals in your area that take volunteers. I was a candy-striper in high school, no pay but the hospital fed us everyday and I did get a great overview of how different areas worked and a better understanding of hospitals and health care in general.

Yes, I’m currently a freshman in high school. Also, I took the SAT in 8th grade and scored high in my math portion - 720. I’m not sure if that will help me get into a program.

Your math SAT score might help you for some summer programs…but I’m thinking the application deadlines for those have passed for this summer.