<p>S will graduate in May - yeah!!! He started off in pre - med??? Then pre - law ??? Will finish with a major in psychology and a minor in theater, he would like to ultimately do work with autistic children. This sounds like him, but you have to find your way to that spot.</p>
<p>At our house, not having a plan apparently means not finishing. DH and I started as Mech E and Chem E and finished as such. D1 started as exercise science and pre-PT and is now working as DPT. D2 started as psych, pre-OT and graduates in December with MOT. D3 started as undecided-either journalism or not-for-profit mgmt.-graduates next month as not-for-profit management major. Son started as business major because he didn’t know what he wanted to do -dropped out after 2 years. Still hoping he will come up with a plan!</p>
<p>I came in as Psych, then Secondary Ed-History, then finally History and Geography double major, considering adding an Anthropology Minor to create the Trifecta of Useless Degrees. </p>
<p>All this in two semesters…</p>
<p>Entered as Educational Studies and Sociology. Now Economics & Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies in Society & Culture (more than half-way done with major requirements in both).</p>
<h1>1 started in Environmental Science, but switched to Mechanical Engineering. She is still passionate about renewable energy, but realized ME gave her the avenue to do something about it.</h1>
<h1>2 will start in either Bioengineering or Chemical Engineering. I can’t wait to see what she switches to.</h1>
<p>As an entering freshman, S planned to double major in Poli Sci and Econ and wanted to go to law school.</p>
<p>As a junior, is a Poli Sci major, Econ minor, and is preparing to take the LSAT. So not much change, except to move the Econ to a minor instead of second major.</p>
<p>College class of 2012
Entering freshman: Photojournalism
Graduating senior: Political science
Exploratory journey, senior year and post-grad summer: Culinary profession
Post-exploration, back to his current true calling: Public policy, advocacy, social science research
Future: Who knows? He’s a man of many interests</p>
<h1>1 Physics, chemistry, aviation flight science, math, engineering…still trying to decide</h1>
<h1>2 Econ but dropped it first semester because he didn’t like it. Then Spanish, business, organizational studies, math and finally graduated with a degree in Econ but will get his law degree this month.</h1>
<h1>3 Computer Science engineering. Never wavered.</h1>
<p>I also heard that many people changed majors. While true, what can drive one to change majors (other than for the ones that started out as undecided)?</p>
<p>Me: Started and finished undergrad as a physics-mathematics dual-major, will attend grad school next semester</p>
<p>My sister: Started out in food engineering, switched to food science, dropped out, returned in college for a bachelor’s degree by collection of business-related minors</p>
<p>Me: Started as elem ed major - switched (never officially) to secondary ed, social studies - switched (officially) and finished with BS Psychology (have always worked in IT and returned later for MBA)</p>
<p>Ex: Started as either Poly Sci or History (I don’t recall), wasn’t interested, but his mom wanted him to go to law school - switched to Computer Science where his passion was, but had NO aptitutde - switched to and finished with BA English (now works in IT)</p>
<p>Son: Started as Civ-E major and is still Civ-E major, but has considered possibly switching to Mech-E</p>
<p>D doesn’t have to declare until end of fall term 2013 (to travel abroad) so it may change again.</p>
<p>Went in thinking BioChem and currently plans to declare CS.</p>
<p>D: went in undeclared, graduated this month in Psychology with a Spanish minor, leaving for South America today, starting in June as a sales consultant for a computer company.</p>
<p>Son: Started as Russian Studies, ended with double major of Russian Studies and Poli Sci. And for those that wonder about payoffs from majors like these, his RS major got him full tuition plus a healthy stipend for other expenses to law school, thanks to a govt. program targeting critical language/cultural knowledge. Unlike ROTC and other programs, there is zero obligation to work for the govt. when he is done, although he might. But there is interest from companies that have operations in Russia and the surrounding area as well.</p>
<p>Daughter: Started with China Studies and English double major, ending up this year with same, plus a possible French minor.</p>
<p>Wife: Started and ended with business degree, although considered both logistics and marketing as concentrations before settling on marketing and then got her MBA.</p>
<p>Me: Started and ended with chemistry, then went to grad school for chemistry, but eventually got an MBA and worked the business side of science most of my career.</p>
<p>Pre-veterinary–> first rat dissection-[nightmares]–>Biology/Plant Science</p>
<p>I changed majors SEVEN times! And I transferred colleges. DH changed majors several times…went to college on the 12 year plan.</p>
<p>DD entered as an undeclared arts and sciences major with the intention of majoring in engineering (therefore taking the requisite courses her freshman year). She graduated with two majors…engineering and biology. DS entered as a music major and graduated with his masters as a music major. There wasn’t ever any doubt!</p>
<p>I started as an accounting major. Ended up with a triple major in Accounting, Economics and finance.</p>
<p>D1 started as an economics major. She’s finishing freshman year (although she has junior standing) and so far she’s still an economics major, contemplating a double major in math. I could see her switching, but it would likely be to something close, like finance. We’ll know for sure in a few years . . . .</p>
<p>Came in interested in biology/classics double major
Graduated with a bachelor of science in biology and classics
Currently MD/PhD (PhD in biology) student</p>
<p>S–started and finished as history major (since he had no interest in grad school, he now wonders what the hell he was thinking).
D–started as musical theater major, graduating as psychology major with education studies minor.</p>
<p>Me: Prevet/Biology major after lab demonstrating castrating lambs without pain killers I became an agricultural economics/business major.
Husband: Business graduated business/
Older son: Management Information Technology to Computer Science graduating Physics major/ math minor.</p>
<p>Me: started in nursing…finished in nursing</p>
<p>DH: started in Chemical engineering…finished in Mechanical Engineering</p>
<p>S1:was accepted as environmental engineering/NROTC major…decided before first semester even started that it was the wrong choice…finished with Natural Resources Policy and Management degree and a commission into the U.S. Navy</p>
<p>S2: started with Criminal Justice…finished w/ Criminal Justice but is not working in that field now.</p>