<p>Hi, I'm in the college of natural sciences and a neurobiology major :) I would like to know everyones opinions about the classes I'm taking this fall as well as how the profs handle the classes. Any feedback will help! :)</p>
<p>It's a 13 hour schedule..
M-408N, Irwin, MWF 10-11, TTH 3:30-4:30 </p>
<p>CH 301, Fakhreddine, MWF 11-12, W 12-1</p>
<p>Bio 311C, Latham, MWF 1-2, TH 10-11</p>
<p>UGS 303, Simmons, M 3-4, TTH 12:30-2</p>
<p>Thanks again :)</p>
<p>These are all fairly simple classes. Don’t worry about it!</p>
<p>Have you had any of those profs?</p>
<p>try to get laude for ch 301</p>
<p>I’m in TIPS and that’s the official TIP teacher :/</p>
<p>Nope, partially because I had IB credit for all of those classes (except UGS 303, of course). But like I said, these are meant to be easy for those who did well in high school.</p>
<p>Oh okay
well I did well in high school so I’m sure I’ll be okay. I just really want a 4.0 after I’m done with my fall semester.</p>
<p>It’s not so much intellectual capacity that is most important to do well in these classes… it’s more related to whether or not you will spend an adequate amount of time doing homework and studying. Most people don’t want to spend enough time on classes – hence why a lot of people say that certain freshman classes are “difficult”.</p>
<p>Robert: </p>
<p>Some other considerations … Have you plotted your schedule out? If you don’t plan on eating lunch MWF, I guess you are going to be fine. Also, I’d add another class to this schedule. Tuition for 12 hours or more is the same. Your load looks a little on the light side to me. Not that you asked for a Mom to cybernag you, but just a few things to consider.</p>
<p>Our son starts orientation tomorrow and will probably end up with the identical schedule. (5s on AP Lit and AP Lang means he has the Eng/Rhet classes covered.) If you are pre-med, you’ll want to rack up as many A’s as possible, so starting out with a lighter schedule your first semester isn’t necessarily a bad thing. </p>
<p>One option our son considered was adding Physics which he will need for MCAT…but 16 hours with Chem, Bio and Physics might be difficult…especially since he will likely end up with the harder chem and bio professors due to late orientation and, possibly, HSH requirements. The other option he considered was picking up the biopsychology class (he has AP credit for the Intro Psych class) since the material is covered a little on MCAT. We’d prefer he stick with 13 hours and work the GPA.</p>
<p>Mom 06- yeah, that’s what i was thinking… Idk how UT is going to treat me and I want to rack up those A’s for Med School. I would like to take another class but idk what! Basically because I already have that credit or it’ll just be another science course which it will be hard for me to compete with the biology and chemistry I’m already taking…</p>
<p>Eaglemom- yes, I do have room for lunch
on MWF, it’s an hour lunch though… And I’m in the TIP Scholars Program and this is what they recommended me to take… So ah idk :/</p>
<p>I’m a bio/premed major too and I’m taking the exact same courses as you/13 hrs (except im taking m408c instead of m408n)…i think its a rather light load but adding another class would make it 16 hrs and thats a bit much for first semester of college. Besides I think it’s better to have a light load at first so you can see where you stand with time management and stuff and then if you want, just add another class next semester.</p>
<p>ldboy finished his registration today:</p>
<p>Math 408C (Staff unassigned)
Bio 315H (Buskirk)
Chem 301 (McCord)
UGS 303 (Laude)
NSC 110 (DS/HSH Seminar) (Buskirk)</p>
<p>He’s a little nervous about McCord. A real conundrum. He knows McCord is excellent and the class will prepare him well for Organic. But he also needs the A’s for pre-med GPA. Guess he’ll just have to study his little behind off.</p>
<p>Robert…I’m RGV born and raised btw! Born in Mercedes…attended Mission High School. Mom from Mercedes, Dad from La Feria. Grandparents/Great grandparents Weslaco/La Feria.</p>
<p>Okay…I digress… :)</p>
<p>Purple laughter- I got an 85 on my math ALEKS making me eligible for M408C but I didn’t have a good calc teacher in high school even though I took Calc AB and BC. lol. I’m glad our schedules look similar for the bio/pre-med major lol.</p>
<p>Mom 06- what’s that NSC class? Ah that’s awesome! I’m from weslaco :b I’m excited to leave the valley and go start another chapter of my life in Austin!
I know it’s going to be a great experience!</p>
<p>Robert - NSC is the research seminar that is required of Health Science and Dean’s Scholars students. It’s taught by Dr. Laude. My son made a similar score on the ALEKS (mid 80s), but was instructed by his advisor to take M408C. I wonder if he should go for M408N instead? I understand N is Calculus as it relates to natural sciences which seems like it would be very useful.</p>
<p>M408N and M408C is basically the same thing except… The pathway of M408N the material is taught in a total of 3 semesters while M408C pathway is taught in 2 semesters. By the end of either pathway the same material is going to be covered. So whether your son can handle the material faster that is what is going to come down to. Since I wasn’t prepared for calculus in highschool I chose the 3 semester pathway so I can get a solid understanding of calculus and it will be a good enough pace for me so that I will hopefully get 3 A’s :)</p>
<p>what class should i take if i got a 100 on ALEKS</p>
<p>That sounds like an excellent plan Robert. Is the 3 course sequence 408M, 408N, 408S? During advising, my son got the impression he had no other option than the 408C track. I notice the registration for the 3 course sequence is restricted, so I don’t know if he can opt into this. ?</p>