<p>Hi, I am wondering what I should do this summer. Currently I am a freshman and have studies and worked abroad in my second semester. I am currently working at Barclays PLC is their Group Finance Division and will have been here for a total of 8 weeks. With this internship under my belt I am wondering what I should do this summer. </p>
<p>These are the options I see:</p>
<p>Caddy at Local Golf Course: Make money and play golf, not too stressful.</p>
<p>Try to intern at Barlcays wealth/ Bar Cap in DC through networking in london...not sure if I should pursue this, this year or next. </p>
<p>Lastly send out emails and try to work at a local hedge fund or MM investment bank, guessing chances are pretty slim for this. or Boutique, What are the chances of this though? Pretty slim for a freshman?</p>
<p>Ultimate goal is to get a summer analyst position, so bearing this in mind what do you recommend? Feel free to post reccomendations as well as advice on what I have been thinking about. </p>
<p>Thanks and really appreciate the help.</p>