Freshman year - Bring a car or not

We will have to buy our daughter a car if she takes one as what she has not is great for around town but not the long distance there and back,So the debate begins. Did you bring a car? did you use it a lot /need to use a lot – Not bring a car and feel stranded?

My S started UKY Fall 2014 and did not bring a car. We allowed car Sophomore year. If your D is living on campus, I think a car would be a hassle. Parking is tight (or at least it was) and traffic can be bad.

I don’t think it was necessary my son’s second year either as his off-campus apartment was within walking distance. It wasn’t until he started working before Junior year that it was needed. Seemed like a lot of his friends had same plan - no car freshman year, negotiable after that.

I agree with @houndmom . And since 2014, I think the traffic and hassle of owning a car has gotten even worse.

The on-campus food is excellent, and there are some decent options surrounding campus. Downtown is walkable, and occasional access to shopping areas away from campus could be easily manageable with the municipal bus (free to UK students), or Uber.

There is also a nice Kroger nearby that is walkable, but maybe more busable if the weather is bad.

My daughter is a junior, and she’s never had a car. She lived on campus freshman and sophomore year and lives right off campus this year. She either bikes, skateboards, or takes a Lyft. She’s never had an issue.

One of the main parking issues is that most kids have to park in the lot at the football stadium, and on game weekends, cars have to be moved or else they get ticketed/towed. So you have to remember to move your car, find a place to park it, and it’s a lot of hassle!

My daughter has always lived close enough to Kroger to get what she needs, and now there’s a small Target right by campus. There’s really no need for a car.

Where do kids move their cars to on game day?