Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

I appreciate it! I just want to make sure I get my courses registered in time and all of that, hence me being a little stressed on the major change. /warmly, appreciative

Of course, and that makes sense! But you should be allowed to register for courses even if they don’t match with your major, so hopefully that will take the stress off a bit.

They have a hold on everyone (freshmen’s) ability to register for classes, until we meet with our advisor(s), so I’ll have to wait until orientation. I’m already pre-registered for two of the English classes as mentioned above, but until they process my major change, I won’t be pre-registered for the other classes I need to take. /sighing

If they are large freshman classes, there likely isn’t a cap/limit on the number of students who can register, so very likely you are fine. :slight_smile:

Exactly! The major change can be handled later. Concentrate now on a reasonable first semester schedule.

OP - Since you’re hearing opinions here (from practicing physicians) about the order to take the premed sciences (bio first or chem?), you may want to contact the pre-health advisors for input before meeting with your academic advisor to set your schedule.

These are exciting times!! :smiley:


I checked, all my classes are pretty small… roughly the same as my HS classes. It’s saying the enrollment cap for my English classes is- for 1400, it’s 19 total. For 1111, it’s also 19. So the classes seem to be small. /thoughtful

Also yes, I do plan to speak with a prehealth/premed advisor before confirming my schedule. /warmly


You’re about to learn about bureaucracy on levels you’ve never seen. Spending $80K + a year is unfortunately not an antidote for that.

It’s a huge, sophisticated operation, likely with lots of silos…but eventually you’ll get the things you need done completed…like you have already (I should note). As everyone is saying below, you self advocate very well - and that will serve you well…already has.

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that…does not… sound exciting. at all. /hesitantly

whelp. /sighing

EDIT: finally scheduled a meeting with my COS (college of science) advisor, this is gonna take awhile, but hopefully I’ll be able to connect with the CSSH (college of social sciences and humanities) to get the course registration done after that meeting. /happily

Ha. You’ll be fine. You seem to have a solid handle on self-advocacy.

Keep in mind that some academic advisers are more familiar with integrating a premed curriculum than others. That is especially true when one’s major is outside the sciences. Since that is your scenario, it is important to establish that relationship with the pre-health advising team. I’m glad to read that is already your plan.


I just got off the phone with COS advising, and everyone has told me (at least since this morning) that I’m ahead of the game in terms of staying on top of things, so I plan to keep that up. /warmly

At this point, between Admissions, COS, Orientation, Housing, DRC, and CSSH, I think everyone knows who I am by now. /wheezing

And I kind of have to have a handle on self-advocacy- I wouldn’t be where I am today without that. /chuckling


Self-advocacy is such an important skillset. Kudos to you!


Updates: Orientation was good, mattresses are not good. I got my major changed to English, and my courseload is the same since I’m premed. It turns out i’m doing bio + chem in the same semester. /sighing

also found out where i’m dorming + i got a single, so i’m happy about that. /happily

EDIT: I’m in the pre-health LLC, so yay!!


Not a surprise. My STEM kid did bio, chem, calculus, the whole first year…all three quarters. Plus her core course requirement plus orchestra and instrument lessons. She learned to budget her time very well.

Ouch. That’s a lot. Yeah, I’m going to have to budget my time well. /sighing

Are you doing that one semester chem and bio, both with lab, first semester in the fall? Oy, that’s gonna be a tough load.


in a squeaky voice Yup. woo! /oh boy

that’s just the premed classes. I have 3 english classes, on top of that. 19 credits total. /sighing

and I still want to be on the equestrian team and join a couple clubs. time to practice time management… /sighing

I think 19 credits is a LOT for a first semester freshman.


yeah, but I met with my advisor at orientation, and that’s the schedule I’ve got for the fall. /sighing

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It’s too much. If you get B’s in your science classes, you’re going to need to be re-evaluating your career goals. You really need to shoot for a 4.0, and wishing is not going to get it. I’m not saying that you couldn’t manage Bio and Chem, both with lab, in the first semester, but don’t take 3 English classes, too. 4 classes and 2 labs is a very heavy load for first semester. 5 plus 2 labs is just too much. I don’t get it. Every time you speak with an advisor, you come out with a plan that is just way too heavy for anyone, let alone someone with health issues, and who wants to also participate in some ECs.


You are allowed to make a schedule that works for you. It surprises me that any advisor would have a new freshman start out with 19 credits. I’d cut out one of the English classes. They will be writing heavy. As mentioned, you are trying to get a high GPA. You don’t want to be behind the curve after the first semester.