Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

NEU is also tough, with outstanding students (not suggesting you are not a good student).

Do not focus on “should.” Focus on YOU, and making yourself a competitive applicant. Even if it means going a little slower than anticipated.

Run your own race, as they say.


Definitely been feeling a bit of imposter syndrome with feeling as though I’m not “good enough” to have been accepted, let alone be a student at NEU since it’s a T50 and whatnot. /sheepish

And I’m going to be doing the whole “slow and steady wins the race”, for sure. /adding on

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You’ve been accepted to NEU; NEU was not the only school that wanted you. They would not have accepted you if they didn’t think that you could be successful. I recall that UMass was trying to woo you with lots of special opportunities, too. So quit feeling like an imposter, because you’re not one. Just go to college, be yourself and open to all the opportunities that college affords, and everyone will see why you were accepted.

/Warmly encouraging

Also, although it’s great to get updates, stay off of CC until after move-in, unless you have a question about what to pack (the answer: not too much). Even though everyone here is hoping for the best for you, we like to talk and can start going down paths that can unintentionally add stress right now, and you don’t need that. Just focus on moving in, adjusting to living in college, making friends, getting to know your professors, and having a great time while still focusing on your studies. Don’t worry about anything past November right now.

/Slightly stern, but still gently


Thank you for that reminder. /sheepish

And yes- I’ll stay back off CC for a bit. I’ll update once I move in and I’ll sporadically start updating after 1st day of classes- though if I disappear I’m probably either studying or sleeping. /grinning

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Agree with AustenNut. They admitted you because they know you can do the work. And don’t forget to have some fun!

This is an exciting time of growth and exploration. Let it sink in and enjoy it. You may (like. my kid) end up somewhere completely different than you planned and that’s totally ok.


Hi y’all. My advisor added Chem 1211/1212/1213, and took out ENG 1400 (lit studies) as it was a time conflict. I have to add a class to make it 4 classes total- I’ll let y’all know later this week or next what class I pick to fill that. In short I’m taking 4 classes so it ends up being 16 (?) credits. Will update later. /warmly

16 credits sounds good for first semester with two labs! Do you have to add another course? Won’t that bring it back to 19 or 20?

It sounds like it will be 16 credits once the new class is chosen.

Best wishes and good luck moving in!


Does French fit in your schedule?


I am glad they did this!!! Two sciences with lab plus two writing intensive plus the eng major overview was too much. Add in the french class. It will be easy for you, plus you get the language requirement out of the way before your french gets rustier.


Yeah, it does, and there’s a good teacher for it. Embarrassingly I passed into Intermediate French 1, even though I took AP French… so it’s fine. Either I’ll do French or something else interesting. Any recommendations are welcome. /warmly

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I’m glad they did this too, my schedule was ROUGH before. /agreeing


The longer you wait to do the french, the harder it will be for you. Plus you meet people in language classes and make friends. Get the lang req out of the way, get the french done.


I would also encourage you to take French this semester, especially as you expect that it will be easy for you. If not French, then look at various course reviews for something that will be as easy as possible and, hopefully, interesting and/or fun. With two lab courses, plus all the other things you want to do with your time, you will already be working really hard and using up most of your available time. I think that choosing something easy will help your college transition in a very positive fashion.


Hi everyone. This is super short but I’ll be off CC for awhile as I’m sick. Thanks for understanding, y’all! /warmly

Many, many people experience imposter syndrome - in fact, someone once told me (jokingly or at least half jokingly) that the only people without imposter syndrome are the actual imposters. So you are good company and your feelings almost certainly do not reflect the reality.

…that was an Honors class and it does not fit in my schedule so I’m now debating between Deaf Studies or Poli Sci because everything else either has a crappy teacher, or there’s a time conflict with my other classes /sighing

Any thoughts? /sighing

Does ANY French class that will fulfill your language requirement fit into your schedule?

nope… they’re all full and they’re also all “time conflicting” which… stinks. So I’m not sure what class to take. The only classes in subjects that would be considered “easy/easier” for me that fit in my schedule are Poli Sci or Deaf Studies classes. /sighing

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You were given an accommodation for a reduced course load. The three courses you have should meet that.