Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

Hey there!! Good luck on the move-in!
An English major has SOO much required reading and writing to accomplish, such a different journey from typical pre-med. I’m curious about the avalanche of required English and Composition classes … how will all of the required science classes you are also planning (required?) to take fit in? As an English major myself, there would have been virtually no way I could have also had time to successfully fit in the intense science/math requirements like my pre-med roommate was taking.
((I think I took two required science classes as a full time English major! :wink:))
Of course an English major may certainly go on to Med school… but how does that work? As you said you are then minoring in Religious Studies.
Where/how can you fit in all of the pre-med science and math?

I guess because of the summer classes Northeastern requires us to take! This way I can fit everything I want to do. But I know it’s going to be SO much hard work. /sheepish, a bit excitedly

And I’ll be applying to MD-only programs, and I’ll have to simply do a research focus as an MD, to compensate for not doing an MD/PhD program. /thoughtfully

I also have a fast reading pace and a photographic memory, so I guess that helps? /sheepish

And gosh, move-in is the 27th… it’s so soon. 2 weeks, exactly. /wow time has flown

I think having a fast reading pace and strong memorization abilities helps, but I also think (correct me if I am wrong) that it takes more than that in order to do well (you already know that you have a lot of hard work ahead of you).

Regardless, it seems that the school is on top of things and you are on your way! Good luck!

Thank you! I’ll be offline up til the week of move in, then I’ll start updating here and there. But that’s the last of my updates for now! /warmly


I think that OP will be getting advising from premed advisers, his major advisers, and (hopefully) the office for student services, in addition to the myriad volunteer advisers here at CC. I think right now OP’s just going to think about this one semester at a time, or at least, this one semester, and then start figuring out the timing/space for everything he wants to study.

I will say, though, that one of my college friends did a triple major in history, biology, and criminal justice and only took two classes over a summer. So when they say that people can major in anything and still go on to med school (so long as the prereqs are taken…as my friend did), they mean it!


Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer, @premed_equestrian and best of luck with the Modern State review for bio. It makes me feel a lot better that NEU is making sure to assess its students and to provide resources to help them be successful in their classes.



Thank you! Yes, I’m connected with the premed advising team, my academic advisor, my DRC contacts for my visual, hearing, and other disabilities, as well as the Student Support Initiative at NEU. I’ve got a lot of support! /warmly

The Bio course is Ramp Up Biology, so it’s an NEU course, not Modernstates, but I was taking a Modernstates Bio course as well before I left for travels. /adding on

I’m so excited for move in but also jittery?? I’m the planning type so I’m already trying to sort things out. Still waiting on the Chem 1211 switch though! /warmly, excitedly


Didn’t you mention upstream that summer school courses weren’t something you intended to do?


adhd brain trying to remember uHhhh if I did I don’t remember? I think I originally said that when I didn’t know it was like… supposed to be done. I did ask my academic advisor! They did tell me the summer courses are pretty much supposed to be done aka required because of our co-ops. /sighing, oopsies brain not functioning

Edit: I’m not even thinking of overloading on courses for any semester in college hence I’m fine with the summer classes.

Tiny PSA- if I forget what I’ve said in prior posts, sorry! I often forget what I’ve said in past conversations so if I do forget, just remind me. /sheepish

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Overloading (not sure about the maximum credits students are permitted) will only hurt, not help. I am glad to hear you won’t do it.

It’s a long haul to get where you want to be. There is no rush.


The max is 19 as a full-time student, but yeah. I’m not overloading anytime soon! :rofl: /wheezing

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I am glad you are not overloading. Better to go slow, even if it means you won’t be ready for the mcat junior year and you need to take a gap year (I know that is not your current plan).

Best wishes and enjoy your experience!


Hopefully I will be able to take my MCAT junior year, but we’ll see where freshman year takes me for starters. /warmly

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Just remember…you will need to take the MCAT AND complete all required courses for medical school admissions by the end of the junior academic year (not including the summer after junior year) and you will also need to have shadowing, significant volunteering experiencing with underserved groups, and some hands on patient contact. All done before the end of your junior year…in addition to the MCAT.

Honestly, don’t rush this.


Not planning to rush this at all, even if my perfectionism would like me to. I’m just going to see where freshman year pulls me academically (I’ll of course give it my all) and I’ll give it my 200% with everything, and hopefully I’ll be off to a good start. /warmly

Also my brain is now compiling a move-in list and I have to be careful to not overpack… definitely guilty of overpacking! /grinning

I am not understanding the connection between perfectionism and taking the mcat junior year and heading straight to med school.

I actually think perfectionism would make somebody wait. This way they could develop the strongest application possible for them.

In any event. good luck on this exciting experience. Do not over pack!


Like, I want to do everything as I “should” be doing it- I guess that’s the link between perfectionism in that case? I just want to do the absolute best I possibly can. /sheepishly

Definitely going to try to pack lighter than I usually do to avoid overpacking. /grinning

There is no “should.”

It is very common to wait before applying so that you have the strongest application possible. To me, taking time would show perfectionism.

In any event, good luck on your move in!


Thank you!! Just excited to start this new chapter. You guys will hear more from me later on next week/when I move in, so stay tuned for that. /happily

Also whoever thought 9am was a suitable time for move in is an automatic 0/10. /joke

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Exactly. The average age of those entering med school is 24, meaning most students have taken at least one year after undergrad so their med school applications are more competitive.

During that year (or two or three), they are getting more patient facing experience whether via work or volunteering, research experience, or doing a post bac program or SMP. It can be difficult for undergrads with only 3 years under their belts to compete with candidates who have more patient facing hours, etc.

IMO 19 hours per semester is overloading, even tho that is technically allowed by the school.


Fair enough. Right now I’m trying (kinda failing) to focus on freshman year before running all the way up to my junior year, but still keeping my eye on the goal. /sheepish

And yeah, I technically (mentally) count it as overloading but the school doesn’t count it as such, so. what can I say, NEU is weird. /sighing