Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

Sometimes people can have their own opinions and I respect that. I give grace to everyone here because I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, and the cause or reason behind one “mean” comment may be more profound than we choose to believe sometimes. I don’t take it personally, don’t worry. I will continue to do what I believe is best for myself and those I love, but I will always make sure to keep your advice in mind. /warmly, to the comment that was quoted in the post

Just take care of yourselves, yeah? A mean comment doesn’t hurt me, and I’d rather give grace than judge. /warmly


Awww, thank you so much! College life is absolutely wonderful (we’ll see how I feel after 2 weeks into classes)- but I have a feeling I’ll do just fine, too. /warmly, sheepish


update- i got switched to Bio 1111 and Bio 1112 last minute (so last minute) because apparently no one told me (or bothered to) that I was in the wrong bio class?? long story short it’s fixed and i’m in the class now but the exams are 60% (20% per) of our grade, so I’m just… hoping that I can do well. I’m sure I can, this is probably me feeling intimidated. but yeah, that’s the small update. go huskies! /warmly

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Sorry that this happened. Isn’t that the bio class that you said you were taking? Did they not make the change until now?

Just make sure you attend office hours and keep up with the work (not suggesting you won’t).

So happy it got sorted out before you started classes and got invested in the work!

You don’t need to feel intimidated- you need to do three things:

1- Show up! Every class, lab, review session, tutorial. Ask questions.
2-Focus! When you are studying, you aren’t also popping popcorn, scrolling on your phone, watching a funny video a HS friend sent you. Build in break times to keep you fresh, but don’t try to multi-task. It works in HS because the work is easier. Most people find it stops working in college!
3-Be ruthless with time management! Your mom wants to chat every day? Your BFF from HS thinks you should hang out together every Friday for a few hours “just to keep up”? You already know how to set boundaries and advocate for yourself- you’ll need to do it with people you love. “Mom, I love you. Let’s talk every Sunday at 5 pm, and I’ll email you a few times during the week if something comes up that you need to know about”. To your HS BFF “I love spending time with you! Let’s plan something fun for the Friday after Thanksgiving-- we’ll have SO much to catch up on!” Don’t let other people steal your time-- you need it for sleep, schoolwork, and making a new community for yourself!!!

You can do this!!!


All three of my daughters (not sure about my sons) move their phones to another floor when studying (or in the case of my oldest who works remotely, when working). It’s too much of a temptation.


what class were you in prior? What’s the difference in the classes?

The only difference is that the prior class was “science for science majors” and this one is “science for non-science majors but premed students” so. That’s the only difference. /sighing

I hope so as well!!

I am once again going to give you the same advice I would give my own kid…

Allocate the time you are wasting updating us and reading and responding on CC to studying. Every minute is now precious. There is no meaningful benefit accrued to you by staying on CC. You have paid professionals available to you on campus. Use them as a resource if and when needed.

Once again I would love to hear how everything turns out but I would much rather you had your best chance of success and heard nothing.



…noted. i was planning on kind of not updating during the actual academic part of college. classes are tomorrow, in any case. that’s it okay byeeee- /sheepish



Have fun, make friends and explore academic areas of interest!! You are going to do great!!


Interesting - I would think pre med is with the science kids.

Glad you got it worked out.

You might do one last check of the schedule to make sure the other classes are right too.

Good luck

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@premed_equestrian please check and double check that you are in the correct biology course for someone who wants to apply to medical school. Ask the pre health advisor about this.


back only briefly to give minor updates and then i’ll go

  1. we have exams… next week. (one on 9/25, one on 9/29, one on 10/9)- that hit me like a ton of bricks even though i had the dates in my planner long before. it’s far too soon when we’re only technically in “week 3” but only our 2nd full week of school. for context we started school on the 6th of september.
  2. yes i’m making a study plan after class and going to figure out how to study effectively and yes i’m using the study guides
  3. planning to go to office hours this week
  4. had NUEQ tryouts yesterday, i find out today if i made the team.
  5. i have amazing friends i’ve met and it’s been overall a solid 8.5/10 at NEU so far.

that being said… i shall disappear from CC so i can study. and you may not see me for awhile. i’m alive, just studying. somewhere. in some corner of the earth.

/a lot of emotions, mostly happy but also exam stress??


So glad you have made good friends. Hang in there. So many people feel as if they are 2 weeks behind, only 2 weeks into the semester! Forget everything else, just study and classes now. Go to every office hour, every review session. Go to the tutoring center. Study together with people in that class, if possible. It helps so much if you can do well on the first set of exams.


i appreciate it. the exams feel a little (more like quite but i think that’s just me getting in my head about it) overwhelming but I’m going to try to make office hours when I can and study using what’s been given and also study with others. /warmly


If you can’t make scheduled office hours because of a genuine conflict, you can always try to email the professor and/or TA (as relevant), explain the conflict, say that you would really like/need to attend office hours, and can they schedule some additional time for you. Many will say yes.


Good luck! Even the semester will be over much faster than you think possible.

Hope you do. I am excited to see my kid at an IHSA show this year. Didn’t get the chance last year.


i didn’t make the team. definitely cried about it a little, but I’ll try to ride at my home barn this year. /sighing

Sorry to hear but it may be a blessing in disguise.

As you’ve already realized, college comes at you fast.

So this gives you more time to stay on campus and to study so you can keep pace with your ultimate goal.

Also, you still have opportunities to find a club on campus - and given it’s on campus, will be a lot more convenient for you.

That you still have time to ride at your home barn gives you that outlet.

So this happens - there’s a lot more competition given the # of students - but it’s ok - I bet you can find something on campus that you’d truly enjoy. And this will give you a bit more time for studies.