Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

My daughter didn’t make it on the team. She qualified for the national pony finals in Lexington this year (her pony went lame just before so she didn’t end up going). She has jumped competitively at 2’9” and 3’ for years, and in highly ranked shows. Who knows what they were looking for!? You are in good company on the cut list.

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I’m sorry, it’s obvious how important this was to you. And yet, it really probably IS a blessing in disguise. Traveling out to the barn and riding and traveling to compete is extremely time consuming, and you need every minute right now for studying. Academics have to come first for a premed. That is your true dream, I know, and one that is within your ability to achieve, if you put your all into studying.


This is 100% true. Plus, you’re a freshman. You have three more years. Take this year to get your bearings, establish a solid academic foundation, make friends, try out some new interests/clubs, and…Try out again next year, if it still feels important to you. I’m sorry it didn’t turn out the way you had hoped, but this isn’t the end. It is just the beginning of your story.


Sorry to both your daughter and the OP! That is a tough blow.

Good luck on your exams, OP! You are going to slay!

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Sorry about that.

You can always join the team next year, if that’s what you want.

I know that my kid’s team (at a different school) had more freshmen trying out this year than the total roster last year. So competition was tough.

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I’m sorry you didn’t make the team, because I know it’s important to you, but I am also in the camp of it is probably a blessing in disguise – especially because you were already stressing about your upcoming exams, and I know that team sports can take a lot of time.

Sending you good wishes for a happy and successful semester, in whatever form that arrives.


yup, i’ve already joined a religious group on campus and found an amazing, amazing group of people so i’m doing stuff with them/going to their events. it’s awesome. /happily

also separate note but i’m not making a new post for this- i got an 80% and a 100% on my bio quizzes this week, and studying is what i’m now doing entirely (although adhd makes it hard sometimes to stay focused) -I try to do one social event a day so I’m not burning myself out, though. /adding on


Yup- I did W/T for tryouts since I haven’t ridden in a year, but I’m overqualified for the division (was cantering and jumping 2’ before I stopped for a bit, plus did W/T for 3 years and got Top 10 at a rated show for it) but alas, I have no clue what they were looking for either. /sighing

I’m looking forward to riding at my home barn this year! Excited to bring up some new horses. /happily


That is great that you got 100 on one of the Bio quizzes, and that you’re figuring out how to study. How is Chem going?

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It’s going! It’s a bit trickier than Bio since it requires some math, but I’m finding my own way of studying for it. /warmly


both exams got pushed back. Bio is now Thursday (9/28), Chem (I think, I’ll email the professor) is on a Friday, in 2 weeks- I think 10/6? And RELS (religious studies) exam is still on 10/9. /grateful that they’re pushed back


Here’s some news-

  1. Bio exam? This Thursday. Chem exam? Next Thursday. RELS (religious studies) exam? 10/9.

  2. I’m auditioning for the school’s ballet company and it’s a no-cut audition- for major context, I was a ballerina for awhile- I did ballet from ages 3 to 13, and when I was 10 I entered a prestigious ballet program, and entered the pre-professional division shortly thereafter. I dropped out around 13 since it got to be too much and they wanted me to choose between 6-8 hours of ballet a week or continue full time academics. So I was supposed to get my pointe shoes the following year but didn’t. I’ve wanted to go back to ballet and this is a great way to do that, so I’m excited! I’ll be doing the Nutcracker, and I’ve wanted to perform in it for a long long time; so this is pretty cool. I won’t be doing pointe yet but I’ll be working in tandem with the ballet head of the company and the physical therapy person on campus to work up to pointe, and so I don’t damage my ankles for riding or in general.

  3. things are better but still a lil stressful. when in doubt, wrap oneself into a blanket burrito and eat ice cream. 10/10. Solves all problems.

that’s it! Stay tuned for more (periodic, I know, I know) updates /warmly, excited


Amazing! That sounds like such a fun opportunity!


I’m stoked! Rehearsals are two hours a week, (Thursday 7:30-9:30pm and Saturday 8:30-10:30am) but I’m only required to attend one. I’ll end up doing both if I feel like I want to or can, but I’ll see. /excitedly


Nice! Which dancer are you hoping to be?

Hmmm. I’m not sure, it’s been awhile since I went and saw! I’ll update this comment when I watch a few clips and make up my mind. /grinning

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I was going to say, “Wait! Don’t take on any other time commitments until after you see how that first set of exams goes!” But when I saw that it’s only two hours a week - really??? - I changed my tune. Good for your body, good for your soul, and you’ll meet people, too.

Just make sure to put studying first, before everything else. You have no idea how competitive it’s gonna be, since NEU has gotten so selective.


Thanks for the happy update! You’ve got a wealth of talents that keep springing up!

Ballet sounds like a great way to get some exercise and get your mind into a different headspace from studying. Hope you’re continuing to make and deepen friendships with your fellow huskies and making connections with your professors through office hours!



watch me get 8 hours of sleep the night before an exam and have 3 hours AFTER classes to study for it before taking it /i am very proud of myself but very nervous for the exam


We are all rooting for you! :blush: