Freshman Year: Chaos ensues

You’ve got this! :heart:


just finished the exam. and I’m taking the night off from studying (homework aside) even though I have a chem exam literally next week because I don’t know what grade I’ll get (please note this teacher said the class average is usually a 70 for the exam) and our exams are 60% of our grade… so anything decent I’ll take. I also have an extra credit point for this exam, so… sigh I just have to wait now. /sighing, nervous


Often not, depending on the science field. Physics, for example, often offers separate tracks for intended physics majors and premed students. Premed students may be able to elect either track, however.

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Appreciate the info.

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just finished ballet auditions!! So much fun. I got a duet callback so we’ll see- and roles are posted on Thursday. I’ve signed up for the Saturday morning rehearsals, so I’m just stoked. Next year I’ll be able to start pointe since my ankles are strong enough from riding to at least start a little bit next year. Also please know I’m consulting a physical therapist in conjunction with doing ballet and riding at the same time- it’s a lot of stress on my ankles and legs and I want to make sure I’m being safe first and foremost. And if I had to drop one or the other I would drop ballet more than riding- so. Just that that’s out there. I’ll be studying for my chem exam for Thursday and doing the lab reports and stuff as well. That’s kinda it. Signing off for now! /warmly

EDIT: I have to do Thursday rehearsals so that’s a minor change


Way to embody resilience!!!


I got my roles for the Nutcracker! Nothing lead- I’m not ready for that yet since I’m rusty, but I’m one of the rats and I’m in the flower petal corps. Super excited, even if they’re smaller positions. Maybe in the next performance I’ll get a “higher” role- but I’m more focused on having fun and getting back to an art form I loved all my life. Pointe and lead roles will come in their time, anyways. /happily, excited


I think the rats are a LOT of fun!! Have a good time!

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Oh, the rats are GREAT!!! You’re gonna have the best time.

About prepping for the Chem exam. Do your best to get hold of old exams, and practice doing the problems over and over until you’re totally fluent in them. Best of luck on it!


I’m SO excited and hyped for rat rehearsal! -flower petal corps is gonna make me feel like a princess/royalty though, and i’m here for it. most of us are doing rehearsals by group/act, so it’ll be so fun!! and yeah, we have practice exams available so I’m doing that instead of studying the way I did for bio. /happily

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…guess who is probably coming down with a cold. currently home for the weekend (there’s good food OKaY) plus I managed to find a schedule where I only come home when I really need to/feel like it/medical crap comes up- so I stay at school some weekends and others I’m at home. it’s what works for me so PLeasE no discourse on this- i don’t have the spoons to delegate reading all that anyways. if I am coming down with something, i will be staying home until i feel better (obviously i will email my teachers and figure out what I need to do to stay on top of classwork, etc) but also getting sick is pretty common for me since i have a crap immune system. aka 90% of the time i am good, 10% i’m coming down with some crap or the other /sighing

I don’t have rehearsals this week but I’ll email my company director to be 100% sure- and otherwise yeah- i’ll be studying for chem and RELS exams and after that i will probably take the biggest nap of my life. /warmly

thaaat’s it, i will update eventually but don’t expect frequent updates because out of sight out of mind mentality is a real thing okay bye- /happily

Congrats on your role in the Nutcracker, and I hope you feel better soon.

I will say this as a parent: Focus on yourself, your grades, feeling good, being involved, etc. There should be little time for these updates (even though I do like to read them). Take the time to get to know your professors.

Feel better and good luck on your tests.


If you have to stay home from college because you are coming down with a cold, then medicine is probably not a good match for you. There is a culture born of necessity that if you are not sick enough to be the patient in the hospital bed, then you keep working.

I urge you to at least keep going to classes this week! Seriously, you will fall behind SO fast, if you dont attend every class.


College is like kindergarten. Kids get sick so much in the first month when they get there. Probably half of my kid’s friends got Covid in the first few weeks this year. Cold & flu are also very common.


Agree with parentologist, and will add: supplements to boost immunity work well - zinc, ginger and echinacea, etc. Once you’re actually sick, DayQuil and a wear a mask to class to avoid spreading your germs. Nap when you can, my daughter who is a college junior has learned the value of a good afternoon nap between or after class that day, even when healthy but tired from late nights, her club sports practice/tournaments, etc. You will get many colds/viruses in college, and having a good set of meds/teas/comfort items on hand in your dorm room will help immensely.


College is the daycare/preschool when it comes to illnesses, my kids were sick way more than healthy freshman year, it gets a little better but not much. Unfortunately a lot of professors expect sick students to go to class, don’t expect absences to be excused. My cousin is an ED doctor in NYC, during Covid medical professional were expected to work while positive with Covid if they were fever free.


I am mindful that OP specifically didn’t want opinions about going home. No one here knows the particular health concerns etc of OP. And as well, I think there are a LOT of local-ish college boarding students that do go home when sick on weekends during freshman year, and that trails off into the next semester. It is a big adjustment and I for one think OP can navigate this successfully.

However, I DO agree to go to class even if sick, unless a high fever. Hopefully you can do that OP. That was one of my kids hardest adjustments for sure, and it is not fun, but everyone gets sick a LOT at college, esp the first year.

I hope you are feeling much better very soon!


I will definitely keep going to class- and while I get this quote-

I also am trying to make sure I know my own limits right now while I’m still adjusting to college- that being said, I will definitely keep attending classes as usual until or unless something really bad crops up. I appreciate the advice- and the community that’s been built here. crazy to think that a post i made in december 2022 would follow me into october 2023. bonkers. anyways i’m going to finish homework and leave CC. again. because i should be focusing on college and not updating. okay bye! /sheepish, warmly

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Sorry, but I strongly disagree with the majority here and think this is terrible advice. Not only should someone who is already medically vulnerable due to pre-existing conditions be even more careful to adequately recuperate in order to avoid potential complications, but - and this is a big but in my book - what she has is likely CONTAGIOUS. I despise when sick people come to work and/or class and spread their germs. It is selfish. If you are sick, you should stay home - both for your own health and for the health of others.