I’ve read in a lot of places that taking bio 13 and chem 1 first semester freshman year is too challenging and not recommended. I’d like to take both chem and bio freshman year, orgo sophomore year, and physics/biochem junior year and take the mcats before senior year. If i were to take only chem freshman year then I’d be stuck doubling up on bio and orgo…and i’d rather not double up sciences while taking orgo. Thoughts on the best approach?
For me, I took Bio 13 and 14 last year sequentially and am planning on taking chem 1 and chem 2 this year. I would not recommend taking two lab sciences first semester but I had several friends take chem 1/ chem 2 and bio 14 together in the spring semester and they all did pretty well, so that would definitely be an option. In terms of Orgo, only 1 semester of organic chemistry is required for Tufts Premeds, but you have to subsititue biochemistry for the second semester of Orgo. Consequently, many students including myself are taking organic chem over the summer, and then taking biochem in junior year spring. I also know some people who are going to double orgo and physics in junior fall and are then going to take biochem and physics in the spring which I’ve heard is pretty doable.