freshman yr

<p>i have done many more ECs in my soph-sen year than i have my freshman yr. how greatly will this affect my chances at top universities and the ivies? thanks i love you guys</p>

<p>Not at all.</p>

<p>If you did 10,000 things your freshman year and then quit all of them, that would be bad.</p>

<p>Calm down. You ask a lot of questions.</p>

<p>sorry its just i have alot of pressure under my back everybody puts on me. my bro was valedictorian of a huge high school class and he was rejected into yale, princeton, harvard, but went to cornell. so all teachers, family, friends, parents are telling me that u hav to be valedictorian</p>

<p>and not to get touchy or anything but my father favors my brother over me for some reason (idk y but its how it is). he has no confidence in me whatsoever. but if i can prove him wrong i can be treated on a more equal scale.</p>

<p>and no this will NOT be an essay topic idea lol</p>

<p>^^ my 2nd post was uneccessary sorry</p>

<p>Are you Asian?</p>

<p>hey ivyleague, i would actually hate to have a bro like that, if it was me it would a different story. But wow, ''favors more''?</p>

<p>im an indian male</p>

<p>Jesus Christ don't worry about this sort of stuff now. Do the ECs that you enjoy most and take leadership roles within them. Colleges want you to show improvement and passion, two things that only come from ECs that you actually like to do. Go out, make friends, and enjoy the last dregs of your childhood while you can.</p>