From a 30 to a 32.

<p>OK. I NEED to get a 32 on the December ACT. The first time I took the ACT's I got a 28 using Barron's. Then the 2nd time I got a 30 using PR 1296. Now what would be the best book to use to boost my score to a 32? And also, any study plan advice would be great. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>The How to get from a 30 to 32 ACT book of course.</p>

<p>Jk, theres no book that will just boost your score to a 32, review your old ones and retake the tests (if you’ve forgotten the question) or check back to see what questions you got wrong and why (over and over again is what i did). Go the barnes and nobles and find a new ACT book that people have said good things about.</p>


<p>You don’t need a 32, change your sentence.</p>

<p>And books won’t really help at this point. If you have more time take more difficult classes and just finish all the last practice tests as you go along and learn from your mistakes.</p>

<p>my DD NEEDS a 32 to qualify for a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>who are you to say whether ohboi NEEDS a 32 or not?</p>


<p>Test = shows how prepared you are. It’s not something to brag about or something you need. It’s a score… You get the score that reflects your knowledge of what the test tests for.</p>

<p>When I said need, I meant I need to it make me a more competitive applicant for my #1 college choice. Therefore, it’s a need in that aspect. If it offends you, get over it.</p>

Yeah, I know what you mean about how tests show how prepared I am. BUT, I’m not the best standardized test taker. I feel much more comfortable and confident taking a regular exam in class. My test score don’t exactly reflect my schoolwork. In my chance thread, someone told me admissions officers might wonder which grade reflects the real me-my GPA or my ACT score. I don’t want to chance that.</p>