From Somalian Refugee To Princeton Freshman

<p>Why not, "Byerly"? The story's still inspirational.</p>

<p>You'll have to ask the speakers' bureau who's stable she belongs to.
I think its called the Washington Speakers Bureau.</p>

<p>SEE: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Here are a couple of typical stories issued in connection with her presentations:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I don't understand why this is being discussed on the Princeton board. This thread was intended to make us aware of a remarakable Princeton student. Hence, it is on the Princeton board, even though it is something that is interesting in its own right as a story of human achievement. Similarly, stories about Harvard students should be on the Harvard board.</p>

<p>You miss the point, ICarGirl.</p>

<p>As "CautiousPessimism" has pointed out above, "not everything in life is petty inter-school rivalry ... we're talking about real human beings" here, and not trying to "promote a school over another." </p>

<p>Why get all worked up, pro or con, about which school this or that remarkable kid enrolls at?? Either way, ICarGirl, "the story's still inspirational", non?</p>

<p>There are a lot of stories I find inspirational, Byerly. Most of them have nothing to do with any college. Therefore, it would never occur to me to post them on college confidential at all. This particular inspirational story was relevant to the Princeton board because it concerned a Princeton student. Possibly, since it concerns an admissions story, it would also be relevant on the parents forum or another general discussion board. It would not make sense to post it on the Harvard boarad, since that page is dedicated to Harvard, and this story has nothing to do with that school.</p>

<p>And aren't you the one who said "looks like Harvard had one[a refugee] first and Princeton felt compelled to follow?" I know you were responding to an earlier post, but that looks like setting one school in competition with the other to me.</p>

<p>Also, you selectively quoted Cautious pessimism. The rest of his statement read "The people we are talking about are real human beings, and shouldn't be inserted in threads to promote one school over the other."</p>

<p>So we are in agreement that these posts are primarily human interest stories and only incidentally relate to particular schools?</p>

<p>If so, there seems to be no constitutional bar to posting the stories on one thread rather than another, does there, ICarGirl?</p>

<p>Unless, of course, there is a "human interest" page at which such stories should more appropriately posted. Can you give me a link to this thread?</p>

<p>Forgive us, Byerly, for doubting your humanitarian interests and suggesting alterior motives. It's just that you don't quite strike most of us as a Mother Teresa sort of figure.</p>

<p>The next predictable move from Byerly would be to start posting threads about kids who lives in Podunk City, attends Podunk High and will be attending Harvard.</p>

<p>Little do these kids know that they will be swimming with sharks without much advising, classes taught by TAs and professors would would be avoiding them.</p>

<p>Any stories about Harvard students, however inspirational/touching/wtv, should have been posted on Harvard's board. Why do you think it exists for?</p>

<p>Ever heard of what the police does to domicile break-in?</p>

<p>NONE of my motives are alterior!</p>

<p>I am so happy that my son is the class mate of so many bright 18-20 year olds who can argue with a 60 year old from Harvard, and actually winning the arguements. </p>

<p>Priceless :)</p>

<p>So there was a good post about a refugee going to Princeton and then something about Harvard poped up along with the taliban at Yale and random conspiracy theories and ulterior motives... and now theres even a mention of a 60 year old troll and his talking donkey.... What next? How much viagra hugh hefner uses?</p>

<p>Grow up people.</p>

<p>The talking donkey was also a cross-admit, but he did not matriculate at Princeton.</p>

<p>Do not underestimate the power of vitamine "V".</p>

<p>Vitamine "V" singlehandedly revitalizes the whole AARP activities, including "adult" education, "adult" industry :p</p>

<p>this article reminds me of the story of Mark Mathabane, which he talked about in his book Kaffir Boy. He was a black boy growing up in the squalor of Johannesburg in apartheid South Africa. He developed a talent in tennis, which was recognized by a pro who happened to be playing a tournament there. He got a tennis scholarship to Princeton, but turned it down for some small college in the South I think.</p>

<p>Byerly, does anything touch you on a human interest level, or are you always flogging your alma mater?</p>

<p>Btw, the reason the movie didn't focus on that student's being at Columbia was that at the time she hadn't transferred to Columbia. She had just dropped out of Harvard. "[S]he said that after spending a year and a half at Harvard, she had concluded that it 'wasn't a good fit.''' <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Btw, Dan-el would be an astounding student even without his challenging background. Had he gone to Scarsdale High School and been packaged by Marcia Cohen, he would still be amazing.</p>

<p>It seems likely that all of these students, coming from such disadvantaged backgrounds, truly appreciate the value of an Ivy league education. I have that feeling that they all study really hard and are rarely (if ever) seen down at the parties getting drunk. Unfortunately, many students from highly privileged backgrounds have no clue why they go to college and spend a lot of their time getting drunk and not studying. It is just kind of a sad comment on our culture.</p>

<p>wow incredible journey the kid went through, he must be increbidly bright. Good luck to him.</p>

<p>I wish I had a free scholarship</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>