<p>I've heard from several people that once someone is at a UC, it is really difficult to transfer out to another UC. When I finished high school, I applied to UCLA, Berkeley, Davis and Riverside (as a backup) and I only got accepted to UCR. =( </p>
<p>I am working really really hard at UCR and I have finished my application to transfer. Here are my stats:</p>
<p>G.P.A. 4.0</p>
<p>Transferring as a Junior (now a Soph)</p>
<p>Major: Business Admin for Berkeley and Business Econ or Econ for UCLA</p>
<p>(People told me not to bother with Berkeley)</p>
-Intramural Volleyball
-Club Volleyball Captain
-CALPIRG Group member
-Volunteer at library
-Read poems to Bill Clinton (chosen over people)
-Upper division research project
-Worked at Hollister for a few months
-Worked at a Marketing company for about five months (the summer before college...I don't know if that will count, hopefully for experience though)</p>
<p>Only one SAT II
Spanish: 670</p>
<p>What do you think my chances are for Berkeley?</p>
<p>I had miserable scores in HS for SAT’s. 520-560 approx. scores for each category (writing…etc).
I’m almost positive the SAT’S were one of the reasons I didn’t get accepted to the other UC’s…that’s why I worked hard as a freshman at UCR to try to gain a second chance. (to prove I could do it)</p>
<p>UCLA: odd 9:1 accepted.
Cal: odd 9:1 accepted.
These odds come with the assumption that:
You actually have a 4.0 at the time you file your application.
You finish all the major requirement courses (again, this is the most critical, I see transferring students with 4.0 but was missing some courses getting rejected)
You keep your grades up (at least 3.5 or higher after the time of your application)
You handle the essay questions decently. </p>
<p>Some possible advices:
SAT and AP are irrelevant in transferring process. You don’t even have a place to mention this on the application.
With many activities, try to not make it like a launtry list. On your essay, you should focus on just one activity and bring more meanings with it. Quality is preferred than quantity when you compose your essay so keep that in mind!
If you have time, consult with prospective administration personnel, I believe that there are transfer counselors in both UCLA and Cal and even more better, consult directly with the counselors in your major department at UCLA and Cal.
Bus Econ at UCLA is the most impacted major; even after you getting in the program, you need to keep up at leas 3.2 GPA or else they will kick you out of the program.
Sit back and relax after you file your application, update with anything they ask. Cal will send you additional information request form online and all UCs will need you to update with the lastest grade. Then in around April and May, they will send you the results: You should be praying for the BIG envelopes!!! </p>
<p>Little about me: have been there and done that. Got admitted to both Cal and UCLA and a UCLA alumni.</p>
<p>Yeah those are extremely low scores, especially for Berkeley and even for Davis. A 4.0 is great, I hope you get transferred into your school of choice.</p>
<p>If you get accepted, you are required to PASS all classes at your last semester/quarter.</p>
<p>At least 3.5 GPA is only my recommendation for your last quarter GPA. You don’t want to have a sudden drop from 4.0 to 2.0 (minimum passing GPA) to be safe.</p>
<p>Thanks guys, I’m a first year coming in with the credits of a Sophomore, so I have to apply now if I intend on transferring (working on it).</p>
<p>Also, I don’t have any real “experience” (considering they ask for volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities) in Economics/Math, so what would you recommend I draw from?</p>