<p>What's up with frosh? Do you have to sign up or do you just show up? I dont wanna miss it.</p>
<p>You have to sign up, preferrably in advance, because it costs money. You can still sign up on the spot, but it'll cost more.</p>
<p>Do they send something in the mail or what?</p>
<p>They will mail you a package with information on your faculty frosh and SSMU frosh. This will include dates, schedule, etc. Then to register you go to their website and pay them through PayPal. If for some reason PayPal screws up (and it did for me) during the first few days of school there will be tables set up in the middle of campus where you line up, give them money and they register you. You will still need to stand in the line if you registered online to pick up your Frosh packets--it's essentially organized chaos, but don't worry, they'll get you set up.</p>
<p>thanks man. cant wait.</p>